I just purchsed the amzer from Amazon - it says it ships in 1-3 months?!??! Did anyone buy from Amazon and have to wait this long?
Also - what is the trick to modify so I can use my headphones with it?
Amazon.com: Amzer Bicycle Handlebar Mount for Motorola Droid A855 (Black): Cell Phones & Service
I got mine very fast and yes, I had to take a file to part of the clip so I could plug in my headset. The device still stays in securely though and I ride off-road with it.
I bought an Amzer Droid mount just last week from Amazon, and it arrived yesterday. When I ordered it, they had a note on the page "order soon, only one left" so I don't know if I may have gotten the last remaining one or not.
I installed the mount on my bike, and I have to say I am still a bit nervous about the possibility of the Droid falling out. I ride a road bike, and while most roads are fairly decent in the area, there can be some rough areas. I have a Magellan Meridian that I have used previously for a bike GPS, and its mount is very secure, but even with that I had the GPS fall off hitting a bump hard. I think it was not quite fully engaged in the mount on those occasions, but seeing that fall off makes me nervous about the Droid. The Magellan is fairly robust, with a rubber housing and a recessed screen, so it came out with only some scuffed rubber. My guess is the Droid would not fare so well.
With the Amzer mount, it seems nice and tight, with the bottom "hooks" very sturdy - I do not see any way it could pop out from the bottom of the mount.
The top area seems to be where it could come loose. There is a rubber piece over the nose of the clip on the top, and at least with my Droid it seems as though it does not clip all the way over the top edge of the phone. It is most of the way there but not completely down to the extent I would like. So, if I pull out on the phone, it does come out of the mount, though it takes some force to do so. It seems to me that a big bump might just spring it loose. FYI: I took off my case so the phone was as delivered.
I was hoping the top piece would require grabbing it and bending out of the way in order to release the phone, but as I indicated, it seems that outward pressure on the phone will release it.
Does anyone else who has used this mount have the same operation with the mount? Has anyone had trouble with the phone working loose at all? At this point, I am considering putting some rubber bands or something around the top edge of the phone once it is in the mount, hoping that if it does pop loose the rubber bands will stop it from falling out. Maybe I am just paranoid, but I really would hate to lose the phone to a fall on the road.
Installation, with the included wing nut was very easy, though I may use a bit of Locktite on the threads to keep it from vibrating loose. The clip that holds the phone is a separate piece from the handlebar mount, and simply slides into place. There was no apparent way to "lock" that on, and it did not click solidly into place for me, so I ended up using some thin wire to go through the holes on either side of the removable clip portion and then around the post portion underneath to ensure it did not pop off. If it was intended to click or lock into place, it was not apparent to me how to get it to do so.
I would appreciate any real world experience with the mount that you would care to share. Does your mount also seem a bit loose on top, and if so, has it caused any troubles? Has anyone else considered adding "backup" methods of securing in the mount, and if so, what did you use?