It would be kind of funny if Moto declared that they were unsealing the Razr battery just before shipment (2 week delay or something like that). As a Bionic owner, the replaceable battery is basically the one thing that I feel superior about.
It's (a little) amusing that bionic users are defending the phone over the Razr by pointing out just how essential a removable battery is to overcome bootloops etc. I don't quite recall these statements when discussing the huge superiority of Android vs iOS, when the system is promoted as very stable "I have never had a problem" type stuff.
Yes, when you buy a phone, you know that something probably better in some ways will be along soon. If you have the inclination and the means, you deal with that by buying that better phone when it appears. For others, you can argue for several months why your phone is really better (that .2Ghz RAZR increase in speed won't be noticeable, but when I was choosing my phone originally it was obviously much better than phone X because its clockspeed was .2Ghz faster etc).