this is just the thread i have been looking for. I have been obsessing for 2 weeks now, bionic, razr, bionic, razr. love the screen of the razr next to the bionic, and didn't know if i could "compromise" on the bionic screen once i saw the razr, but never thought about outdoor use. the bionic screen isn't bad, but side by side the razr is super saturated and colors pop. glad to hear that others love the bionic screen and that the whites are great. just love everything else about the bionic, especially the price tag. the battery issue is a big one too so that has helped to sway my decision back to the bionic camp. i was so worried that it was a "defunct" phone even though it is brand new. i think i will go with it. this really helped guys, thanks again!!
ps does anyone have info if ] the updates have fixed all the problems bionic users are experiencing? any word on when ics is coming?