My question is why would they make 2 phone a 3G and a LTE phone. Good Business sense would be to make 1 that is LTE ready and not 3G. Why make a phone that would is 3G that would be behind in 1 month when LTE comes out.. I would rather get the LTE version of the phone then 3G...
Because of a little thing called
consumer markets. Did you know it costs people extra for LTE so everyone isn't going to spring for a LTE device. I surely wont since I'm not paying extra money for a plan that doesnt include my area code.
We can't bring in one aspect business and marketing if we're going to ignore the rest. Making 2 versions of this phone makes no sense for multiple reasons and it's quite easy to see why people doubt there will be 2 versions of it that actually go into production REGARDLESS if people have had two versions in their hands.
Since you brought up consumer markets we'll roll their first. How many people go to see Freddy 12 Jason 32, Saw 17 etc? Not nearly as many as went to see the first. However how many people go to see James Bond films time and time again(with the most recent being an aberration of the others;less gadgets less sales)? This is because of their individual names. From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, Tomorrow Never Dies, Quantum of Solace, etc. How many people would be getting ready to go see Harry Potter 7 right now? Thats in movies where individuals go for a one time experience.
This is a product a user will carry daily on a subscription based service. If there is going to be an LTE version of this in March or April, you're giving an unannounced device 4 months to go through the entire product life cycle of introduction, growth, maturation, and and decline. In 1/2 the stages of the product the profit is either next to nothing or returning to that figure.
They're then forced to spend more money on marketing to rush that product through the life cycle, which may or may not work. This risks the loss of brand equity which they built with the originial Droid Incredible, and then you're faced with the possibility of two products with the same name (HTC Incredible HD) sitting on your shelves BOTH not selling because of lost name value because they rushed one product to market just to get it out.
Given this time frame, it's quite easy for people with a bit of business knowledge to see why 2 versions of this phone simply doesn't make sense.