he said he didnt know why they would make both not release both, he didnt know a 3G phone existed.. try reading it again may clear it up for you..
unless your reading something i missed he was only aware of a LTE version and is also referring to the tweet he made about the LTE version which means what he said had NOTHING to do with the phone we are all waiting for on the 23rd. Period.
Feel free to direct me to the tweet where he said he wasnt sure why they would release both last time i checked he only used the words "make both"
semantics : ) thats why I put a / on make/release...signifies whatever you want to call it.
Make/release/manufacture/build etc etc
sorry im confused, all i got out of that is you put words in his mouth which makes your post pointless.. no disrespect but come on you cant make stuff up and act like thats what he meant. he meant what he said and your arguing against a brick wall i spoke to the guy AGAIN and he said he didnt know a 3G existed.
point proven, not trying to troll on you.