Actually I care about long as they are good. I know photography very well. I have a DSLR and my father was a photographer. It's not just about the megapixels but the size of the sensor when it comes to having the best photos. Manufacturers will be more inclined to put in larger sensors in phones that can support it with something like a dual core. That's what I mean.
BTW the cameras you speak of that shoot at 120 frames per second usually cost over $10,000 so that's not even a good comparison when it comes to camera phones.
Point taken. I was just trying to say if you are focused on # of mp's and that is why you are holding out, seems like a stupid and uneducated reason. Frames per second (minute is probably more applicable) and sensor size (as you stated) are far more important. There are also a myriad of other features / specs, far beyond my knowledge, which real photographers would value far more than the # of mp's.
Haven't seen too many poster size pics taken from people's phones. Anyway, sorry for getting so O/T. But will reiterate I would not hold out on buying a device because there are others in pipeline which will have cameras with more mp's.
Oh yes I know what you mean. I would take 8 good megapixels over 12 mediocre ones. But yeah true. I want features and functionality. Personally, I just can't see myself buying this if all they did was add 4g to the EVO or Desire HD. If that's the case they should have come out with this phone a long time ago without the 4g IMO.