3g htc phone? i like the sound of that.
do you have any information on it like screen size or screen resolution?
if the phone will 100% be 3g i'll seriously look into it once it's released.
since it's being referred to as the incredible 2/incredible hd i'm going to assume it's going to be exactly like the original incredible (which i have and love) but will have a bigger screen (maybe 4.3?) and a possible ffc (?)... basically the thunderbolt but 3g?
is my thinking correct?
Here is what I got..
New HTC Verizon Device Appears, Is it a Tablet or the Incredible 2? - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog
Than you have this pulled from Huskerkate and Miami from the thread about the atrix with some leak info on possible dates for upcoming including the INC HD...
Originally Posted by
so, here's what it looks like for phones:
Feb: iPhone 4 (single core, 3g)
Feb/March: ThunderBolt (single core, 4g)
March: Atrix (on AT&T)
May/June: DX2 (dual core, 3g)
May/June: D3, Inc2 (maybe?? - dual core, 3g??)
June/July: Bionic (dual core, LTE)
Aug/Sep: ???????
Q4: Atrix (dual core, LTE)
i think i'm missing the LG Optimus 2x in there, but don't know if it's for VZW, or when it will be released.
Well Iphone is 2.11.11
Atrix is Feb. as well (as far as I know) it's the date that is escaping me right now, but I'll track it down shortly
Then the Xoom on the 17th (tab)
Here is where some will be pleased....
Thunderbolt is the 28th... Just outside of the return window for the Iphone buyers
Bionic is Early q2..maybe early april...
also in q2... DX2 (tegra 2 ) D3 and new incredible
Then Iphone5 in June (like Normal)
Now what I have left out is an "unnamed" Lg device is also coming with a 4.3" screen. Front Camera rear camera, Super Amoled screen and Snapdragon2 processor. It wasn't there but was spoken about!!
then q4 is the Atrix.. that's what I am certain of right now