i clearly haven't been reading the forums that much since the last thread got closed down...
is the htc incredible hd still going to show up and what is it compared to the htc thunderbolt? what's the deal with the htc scorpion? i know in the last thread someone mentioned a really good htc phone that would be out towards the end of the year... is that phone the incredible hd or the htc scorpion?
Inc HD coming. If I guessed would say from what I have seen on here sometime Q2 or early Q3. It will be 3G though and TB is of course 4G.
3g htc phone? i like the sound of that.
do you have any information on it like screen size or screen resolution?
if the phone will 100% be 3g i'll seriously look into it once it's released.
since it's being referred to as the incredible 2/incredible hd i'm going to assume it's going to be exactly like the original incredible (which i have and love) but will have a bigger screen (maybe 4.3?) and a possible ffc (?)... basically the thunderbolt but 3g?
is my thinking correct?