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HTC Thunderbolt Release Date

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Okay, for what its worth I love Android and everything entailed with Google...2 questions...very important questions..well one is.

Now I understand no 4g pricing has been officially announced or anything like that but there are rumors and I have searched and searched but to no avail no answer. So to the questions:

1. If the Thunderbolt is bought and was in an area that wont have 4g until, my guess 2013...do we have to pay the 4g pricing or only stick to our 3g...This is a huge question and will, most definitely sway me into a different direction...Again I know that there is no official word but there must be a pretty good rumor around stating this answer...Ive searched and this place has always been my safe haven for information...

2. Can you dig it?

Seriously though...the first question will really make a difference..if I can have a pretty solid rumor from a pretty good source (asking for the world here, I know) I will wait...I have been waiting for soooooooo long...

Also, to some of the other posts regarding 3 different types of consumer regarding android and the iPhone... I'm with you on the first 3 types but what of a fourth?

- iPhone fan-boys/girls
- android fan-boys/girls
- uninformed Joe public
- the well informed curious smart phone user that just wants to test both worlds to better understand the whole concept of open, closed, polished, fragmented, gestapo, freedom fighter, good and bad on a consumer level rather than a spec sheet...I would just want to test both to better understand the use-ability of each device to better inform those "uninformed Joe public" and try to better get them to not buy a book based on the cover...just a suggestion.

just gotta bump this question seeing as in my options are closing fast...I want to upgrade this month...iPhone or ThunderBolt...

I would go with the ThunderBold for sure. Hands down better then the iPhone.

I really want to...but I wont, out of principal pay for 4g. Can I still have the TB for 3g ONLY. Thanks man...
Here is what I got..

New HTC Verizon Device Appears, Is it a Tablet or the Incredible 2? - Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog

Than you have this pulled from Huskerkate and Miami from the thread about the atrix with some leak info on possible dates for upcoming including the INC HD...

Originally Posted by huskerkate
so, here's what it looks like for phones:

Feb: iPhone 4 (single core, 3g)
Feb/March: ThunderBolt (single core, 4g)
March: Atrix (on AT&T)
May/June: DX2 (dual core, 3g)
May/June: D3, Inc2 (maybe?? - dual core, 3g??)
June/July: Bionic (dual core, LTE)
Aug/Sep: ???????
Q4: Atrix (dual core, LTE)

i think i'm missing the LG Optimus 2x in there, but don't know if it's for VZW, or when it will be released.

Well Iphone is 2.11.11
Atrix is Feb. as well (as far as I know) it's the date that is escaping me right now, but I'll track it down shortly
Then the Xoom on the 17th (tab)
Here is where some will be pleased.... Thunderbolt is the 28th... Just outside of the return window for the Iphone buyers

Bionic is Early q2..maybe early april...
also in q2... DX2 (tegra 2 ) D3 and new incredible
Then Iphone5 in June (like Normal)
Now what I have left out is an "unnamed" Lg device is also coming with a 4.3" screen. Front Camera rear camera, Super Amoled screen and Snapdragon2 processor. It wasn't there but was spoken about!!

then q4 is the Atrix.. that's what I am certain of right now

that looks good to me.

4g pricing hasn't been announced yet and i'm not going to get 4g coverage for a while so i'm sticking with 3g for as long as 3g phones are release. i'll get a 4g phone if something really good is available and if i can keep the same shared minutes i have now and if unlimited data isn't more than 40.00... if there even is unlimited data.

htc phones are fantastic, i can't see myself having a phone that wasn't made by htc. i'm not looking to upgrade until the end of the year (if i even do upgrade then... love the incredible) but i like knowing my options if i need a new phone sooner or if i do upgrade at the end of the year.

Okay, for what its worth I love Android and everything entailed with Google...2 questions...very important questions..well one is.

Now I understand no 4g pricing has been officially announced or anything like that but there are rumors and I have searched and searched but to no avail no answer. So to the questions:

1. If the Thunderbolt is bought and was in an area that wont have 4g until, my guess 2013...do we have to pay the 4g pricing or only stick to our 3g...This is a huge question and will, most definitely sway me into a different direction...Again I know that there is no official word but there must be a pretty good rumor around stating this answer...Ive searched and this place has always been my safe haven for information...

2. Can you dig it?

Seriously though...the first question will really make a difference..if I can have a pretty solid rumor from a pretty good source (asking for the world here, I know) I will wait...I have been waiting for soooooooo long...

Also, to some of the other posts regarding 3 different types of consumer regarding android and the iPhone... I'm with you on the first 3 types but what of a fourth?

- iPhone fan-boys/girls
- android fan-boys/girls
- uninformed Joe public
- the well informed curious smart phone user that just wants to test both worlds to better understand the whole concept of open, closed, polished, fragmented, gestapo, freedom fighter, good and bad on a consumer level rather than a spec sheet...I would just want to test both to better understand the use-ability of each device to better inform those "uninformed Joe public" and try to better get them to not buy a book based on the cover...just a suggestion.

just gotta bump this question seeing as in my options are closing fast...I want to upgrade this month...iPhone or ThunderBolt...
My guys still telling me the same thing man.. 4g will be a extra 10 or 15 $ a month and you will still have to pay it even if u dont have 4g! and he is still saying the feb 24th or march 3rd for the Thunderbolt!! hope i can help. i would not get the i phone if the tb is what u wanted i would get something comparable to that the i phone is totaly different!!
paulmike3 paulmike3

Will Sense UI connect to HTCSense.com on the TBolt? We're hearing conflicting reports.

The Mobile Panda

at this time that functionaliy is not working. Maybe just because its a pre-release device but we aren't testing it so doubt it
RealDurangoJim Durango Jim

Any idea why skype video won't be up and running on the TBolt when it launches? Thanks

The Mobile Panda

skype is working on ensuring they have the best product for the mobile world. They brought qix for compression tech
I would go with the ThunderBold for sure. Hands down better then the iPhone.

So you've used the ThunderBol(t)? Or the EVO?
Id really like to know what you use your phone for specifically that is better on Android than iOS. Or is it just preference? Because that's ok.

Seriously, I'm curious. Unless you've invested a lot in android apps, or must have 4g, I don't see the draw.

(Don't go into customization, because jailbroken iOS can be customized as much as Android)
I would go with the thunderbolt for sure. Hands down better then the iPhone.

So you've used the ThunderBol(t)? Or the EVO?
Id really like to know what you use your phone for specifically that is better on Android than iOS. Or is it just preference? Because that's ok.
Seriously, I'm curious. Unless you've invested a lot in android apps, or must have 4g, I don't see the draw.

(Don't go into customization, because jailbroken iOS can be customized as much as Android)

LOL nope.

I guess I dont know to much about either system. It's more just preference and from what I have read on each device. Not hateing on the iPhone I'm sure its good in its own way. Just like the TB for me. Hope I didn't step on anyones toes saying this.
So now you are are saying that even when we dont have 4g around us we will have to pay for 4g? I cant see Verizon doing something like that, because it will probably lose sales. I know im not gonna be paying for anything that I dont get..
February 14 guys, this is a fact.

Now pricing is like.... I don't even know. Could be anything, really, seeing as though Verizon was debating tiered pricing. Personally, my money is on them tiering data plans not speeds, and giving us a 4G Unlimited plan for..... $35? Pure guess, though.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums App
I would go with the thunderbolt for sure. Hands down better then the iPhone.

So you've used the ThunderBol(t)? Or the EVO?
Id really like to know what you use your phone for specifically that is better on Android than iOS. Or is it just preference? Because that's ok.
Seriously, I'm curious. Unless you've invested a lot in android apps, or must have 4g, I don't see the draw.

(Don't go into customization, because jailbroken iOS can be customized as much as Android)

LOL nope.

I guess I dont know to much about either system. It's more just preference and from what I have read on each device. Not hateing on the iPhone I'm sure its good in its own way. Just like the TB for me. Hope I didn't step on anyones toes saying this.

Lol, that's cool. If its your preference you can't be wrong! I was just wondering.
February 14 guys, this is a fact.

Now pricing is like.... I don't even know. Could be anything, really, seeing as though Verizon was debating tiered pricing. Personally, my money is on them tiering data plans not speeds, and giving us a 4G Unlimited plan for..... $35? Pure guess, though.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums App
Where u getting the 14th from cuz its not going to happen maybe pre-orders on the 14th from what my guy is saying release will be on the 24th most likely! but hey obviously im going to go with what my guy says! lol
February 14 guys, this is a fact.

Now pricing is like.... I don't even know. Could be anything, really, seeing as though Verizon was debating tiered pricing. Personally, my money is on them tiering data plans not speeds, and giving us a 4G Unlimited plan for..... $35? Pure guess, though.

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums App
Where u getting the 14th from cuz its not going to happen maybe pre-orders on the 14th from what my guy is saying release will be on the 24th most likely! but hey obviously im going to go with what my guy says! lol

Thats what I keep hearing also
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