Okay, for what its worth I love Android and everything entailed with Google...2 questions...very important questions..well one is.
Now I understand no 4g pricing has been officially announced or anything like that but there are rumors and I have searched and searched but to no avail no answer. So to the questions:
1. If the Thunderbolt is bought and was in an area that wont have 4g until, my guess 2013...do we have to pay the 4g pricing or only stick to our 3g...This is a huge question and will, most definitely sway me into a different direction...Again I know that there is no official word but there must be a pretty good rumor around stating this answer...Ive searched and this place has always been my safe haven for information...
2. Can you dig it?
Seriously though...the first question will really make a difference..if I can have a pretty solid rumor from a pretty good source (asking for the world here, I know) I will wait...I have been waiting for soooooooo long...
Also, to some of the other posts regarding 3 different types of consumer regarding android and the iPhone... I'm with you on the first 3 types but what of a fourth?
- iPhone fan-boys/girls
- android fan-boys/girls
- uninformed Joe public
- the well informed curious smart phone user that just wants to test both worlds to better understand the whole concept of open, closed, polished, fragmented, gestapo, freedom fighter, good and bad on a consumer level rather than a spec sheet...I would just want to test both to better understand the use-ability of each device to better inform those "uninformed Joe public" and try to better get them to not buy a book based on the cover...just a suggestion.
just gotta bump this question seeing as in my options are closing fast...I want to upgrade this month...iPhone or ThunderBolt...
I would go with the ThunderBold for sure. Hands down better then the iPhone.
I really want to...but I wont, out of principal pay for 4g. Can I still have the TB for 3g ONLY. Thanks man...