Active Member
Maybe they had a change in plans?
Either way, those two reps didn't make that up.
The only possible date I can see is the 27th of this month. That thursday isnt cramping iPhone's style, and its the week before the 3rd. I would guess a launch day announcement on the 13th or 20th at the latest. Those dates are kind of pushing it time wise though. Otherwise this just ain't gonna happen until march(st patties day)... I cant wait to ditch my iSheep!
Seeing as how they annouced the launch date of the dinc on the 15th of april, with product release on the 29th, aforementioned time frame would fit with the dincs release. That is IF it is launch before leprecaun day. Speculation is so much fun.:icon_ banana:
I always misread my calendar, yeah 27th not 28th is my guess- for the same reasons haha
Since the reps learned a little bit about the ThunderBolt today, my money is on the public knowing the release date within the week.
And yes they will sell you a phone (make money) even in 4G is nowhere near you. I plan on buying this thing, and I'm in between three cities with 4G (Miami-West Palm, Orlando, Tampa), sucks, but in the meantime I won't have a problem with 3G. I think if Verizon MUST cap 4G, they will still offer 3G unlimited.