first off the thunderbolt itself is already outdated and verizon new every 2 bonus is gone on the 16th.. the droid x to thunder bolt is not that big of a difference! yes the tb is better but not by alot! there WILL be a charge for 4g thats a FACT! im telling u play it smart get sumn now even a Dinc and thats a really nice phone and get sumn later this year or next year.and if ur not in a 4g area a DX or fascinate d2 or dinc is all u need and upgrade when u get 4g cuz even these nvidia t2 chips wont be able to touch anything in Q3 Q4 this year when qualcomm and samsung launch there dual core chipsOnly questions that arnt asked are stupid questions my friend.and my advice to u is get a x or a fascinate or d2 asap cuz this phone is not that awsome if ur not in a 4g area u can purchase this phone but u will prolly be paying the 4g price like sprint has and thats not worth it and with verison ditching there phone upgrade program this month i would act fast and upgrade in a year or 2 when 4g is much larger and phones have even frother advanced!!!
Before you run off and buy something that is outdated I would wait for a pricing announcement. I spoke with one of the customer service managers and told her my debate of wanting to upgrade to a droid X or wait for a 4G phone because I didnt have 4G in my area and didnt want to pay for it if I couldnt use it. She assured me (granted only 1 person and it hasnt been confirmed but so far she has been right about everything else, she told me the iphone would be before feb 15th almost a month ago) that there would NOT be an increase in price initially for 4G and I would pay for the phone and could use it without changing or increasing the cost of my current contract. Again, this could all change but she hasnt been wrong yet. Id hold out for the official word.
It is not as outdated as you think. this is the first implimentation of the new 8655 processor, and it will likely go into the evo2, dinc2, and possibly other devices. You wont see HTC do dual in any devices until this time next year. The same goes for a high-res screen. I think that the tegra 2 processors will likely be far less powerful than the new snapdragon msm8760's anyways. Besides, what in the world do you really need all that power for anyways? I just cant imagine playing a full fledged game like NFS on my cell phone when my PS3 is in the next room lol. Each to their own, i guess. After having an iPhone for 2 years I am ready for some HTC goodness. Just get the TB now on a one year contract, then snatch up its badass dual-core sequal next xmas.
Anyways, all this advertising, the accessories already being on sale, and the phone being on both big red, and HTC's websites is driving me mad!! How could they dangle it in front of us, and then launch it like 2 months later? Seems a little late, considereing the timeline of the dinc.