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HTC Thunderbolt Release Date

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Only questions that arnt asked are stupid questions my friend.and my advice to u is get a x or a fascinate or d2 asap cuz this phone is not that awsome if ur not in a 4g area u can purchase this phone but u will prolly be paying the 4g price like sprint has and thats not worth it and with verison ditching there phone upgrade program this month i would act fast and upgrade in a year or 2 when 4g is much larger and phones have even frother advanced!!!

Before you run off and buy something that is outdated I would wait for a pricing announcement. I spoke with one of the customer service managers and told her my debate of wanting to upgrade to a droid X or wait for a 4G phone because I didnt have 4G in my area and didnt want to pay for it if I couldnt use it. She assured me (granted only 1 person and it hasnt been confirmed but so far she has been right about everything else, she told me the iphone would be before feb 15th almost a month ago) that there would NOT be an increase in price initially for 4G and I would pay for the phone and could use it without changing or increasing the cost of my current contract. Again, this could all change but she hasnt been wrong yet. Id hold out for the official word.
first off the thunderbolt itself is already outdated and verizon new every 2 bonus is gone on the 16th.. the droid x to thunder bolt is not that big of a difference! yes the tb is better but not by alot! there WILL be a charge for 4g thats a FACT! im telling u play it smart get sumn now even a Dinc and thats a really nice phone and get sumn later this year or next year.and if ur not in a 4g area a DX or fascinate d2 or dinc is all u need and upgrade when u get 4g cuz even these nvidia t2 chips wont be able to touch anything in Q3 Q4 this year when qualcomm and samsung launch there dual core chips

It is not as outdated as you think. this is the first implimentation of the new 8655 processor, and it will likely go into the evo2, dinc2, and possibly other devices. You wont see HTC do dual in any devices until this time next year. The same goes for a high-res screen. I think that the tegra 2 processors will likely be far less powerful than the new snapdragon msm8760's anyways. Besides, what in the world do you really need all that power for anyways? I just cant imagine playing a full fledged game like NFS on my cell phone when my PS3 is in the next room lol. Each to their own, i guess. After having an iPhone for 2 years I am ready for some HTC goodness. Just get the TB now on a one year contract, then snatch up its badass dual-core sequal next xmas.

Anyways, all this advertising, the accessories already being on sale, and the phone being on both big red, and HTC's websites is driving me mad!! How could they dangle it in front of us, and then launch it like 2 months later? Seems a little late, considereing the timeline of the dinc.
The day a dual-core phone comes out is the day we see cars fly. Not really, obviously, but we've been waiting for dual-core for awhile now... What do dual-core phones do for us anyway? Make the battery like 10% more efficient?... Yeah, to each his own... Ugh I really wish Verizon would tell us if 4G will cost more or not so I know weather or not to "customize" my Inc......

But now that I really think about it, is this ThunderBolt really worth an upgrade? I bet in another year, the Thunderbolt will look like crap compared to whatever magical phone goodness HTC, Motorola and Verizon have going. Don't get me wrong, that 4G LTE icon on the notification bar is really nice, but I'll live with the second best- still does everything I need it to do- and for most of us 4G won't be in our areas until 2012-2013. Great now I'm on the infamous "fence".
You have a good point. i dont wanna pay for 4G either. My locale isnt going to get it until early 2012 at the earliest. It'll probably be the same as sprint's price too($40 a month). I wonder if they could just sell you the unlimited 3G data plan anyways, and deactivate the 4G on your account? Probably not, wishful thinking lol.
In situations like these, I ask myself: "what would Verizon do?"

They would get as much money as possible, which means, logically that 4G will be capped, no unlimited option, and they will charge us for 4G even if it is nowhere near us. Let's face facts people, I know we all WANT cheap and unlimited, but Verizon is expensive and like caps- I'm pretty sure Verizon is the most expensive major carrier in the U.S. (right?), and we all know how cheap they can be... So how many of you out there- especially those of you who have been with Verizon since the turn of the century- honestly think in a month's time we will all be using our droidforums.net apps to look back on this post with the HTC ThunderBolt and not have to worry about data usage or having to take a second job just to pay for it? We'll be lucky if there's no cap, but 4G is gonna cost more than 3G. Why? Because 4 is bigger than 3. :/

Of course I could be wrong, we don't know because Verizon keeps things from its "valued" customers.
Before you run off and buy something that is outdated I would wait for a pricing announcement. I spoke with one of the customer service managers and told her my debate of wanting to upgrade to a droid X or wait for a 4G phone because I didnt have 4G in my area and didnt want to pay for it if I couldnt use it. She assured me (granted only 1 person and it hasnt been confirmed but so far she has been right about everything else, she told me the iphone would be before feb 15th almost a month ago) that there would NOT be an increase in price initially for 4G and I would pay for the phone and could use it without changing or increasing the cost of my current contract. Again, this could all change but she hasnt been wrong yet. Id hold out for the official word.
first off the thunderbolt itself is already outdated and verizon new every 2 bonus is gone on the 16th.. the droid x to thunder bolt is not that big of a difference! yes the tb is better but not by alot! there WILL be a charge for 4g thats a FACT! im telling u play it smart get sumn now even a Dinc and thats a really nice phone and get sumn later this year or next year.and if ur not in a 4g area a DX or fascinate d2 or dinc is all u need and upgrade when u get 4g cuz even these nvidia t2 chips wont be able to touch anything in Q3 Q4 this year when qualcomm and samsung launch there dual core chips

It is not as outdated as you think. this is the first implimentation of the new 8655 processor, and it will likely go into the evo2, dinc2, and possibly other devices. You wont see HTC do dual in any devices until this time next year. The same goes for a high-res screen. I think that the tegra 2 processors will likely be far less powerful than the new snapdragon msm8760's anyways. Besides, what in the world do you really need all that power for anyways? I just cant imagine playing a full fledged game like NFS on my cell phone when my PS3 is in the next room lol. Each to their own, i guess. After having an iPhone for 2 years I am ready for some HTC goodness. Just get the TB now on a one year contract, then snatch up its badass dual-core sequal next xmas.

Anyways, all this advertising, the accessories already being on sale, and the phone being on both big red, and HTC's websites is driving me mad!! How could they dangle it in front of us, and then launch it like 2 months later? Seems a little late, considereing the timeline of the dinc.
good point with the one year plan i still think the TB is outdated its the same as the desire HD with slightley better scores.... i still believe htc will out a duel core before thanksgiving what about the 8660 chip??? And there WILL be a charge to use LTE 4G thats a 100% fact!!
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Thunderbolt should come late this month or early next month. Thats what i was told and besides i dont see any of the major Android companies just sit back and let Apple have its cake and eat it too. I mean someone has to be there to battle the iPhone right? Im thinking at least 1 phone will release along with the iphone and its gonna be the Thunderbolt. We are gonna kick their ass and turn them apples into grapes and then let em sit in the sun and turn into raisins, because afterall..who doesnt like raisins?..

Wow i cant believe i just typed all of that...lol..
Thunderbolt should come late this month or early next month. Thats what i was told and besides i dont see any of the major Android companies just sit back and let Apple have its cake and eat it too. I mean someone has to be there to battle the iPhone right? Im thinking at least 1 phone will release along with the iphone and its gonna be the Thunderbolt. We are gonna kick their ass and turn them apples into grapes and then let em sit in the sun and turn into raisins, because afterall..who doesnt like raisins?..

Wow i cant believe i just typed all of that...lol..

Agreed!! I just want this phone, ready to sell my old 3GS.
Thunderbolt should come late this month or early next month. Thats what i was told and besides i dont see any of the major Android companies just sit back and let Apple have its cake and eat it too. I mean someone has to be there to battle the iPhone right? Im thinking at least 1 phone will release along with the iphone and its gonna be the Thunderbolt. We are gonna kick their ass and turn them apples into grapes and then let em sit in the sun and turn into raisins, because afterall..who doesnt like raisins?..

Wow i cant believe i just typed all of that...lol..

Who told you it's coming in late Jan or early Feb?
Ok let me clear some things up for all of you.
#1 the phone is coming out late Feb or early March
#2 it might not even be 4G mandatory which means you might not even have to pay for 4g if you don't want to use it
#3 should it be 4G there might be no change in data plans
#4 this will be a powerful phone, dual core or not, quadrant "scores" don't mean a single thing
#5 None of you should rely on anything the reps say because they are kept just as much in the dark as we are

Oh and just so you know none of you know anything about 4G pricing just like me so stop commenting about it as if your speculations are set in stone because some unintelligent people might mistake you for someone who knows what their talking about.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
Ok let me clear some things up for all of you.
#1 the phone is coming out late Feb or early March
#2 it might not even be 4G mandatory which means you might not even have to pay for 4g if you don't want to use it
#3 should it be 4G there might be no change in data plans
#4 this will be a powerful phone, dual core or not, quadrant "scores" don't mean a single thing
#5 None of you should rely on anything the reps say because they are kept just as much in the dark as we are

Oh and just so you know none of you know anything about 4G pricing just like me so stop commenting about it as if your speculations are set in stone because some unintelligent people might mistake you for someone who knows what their talking about.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
ok its comments like this that get people confused first off let me say verizon is a buisness there not a bunch of dumbasses!! u really think they spent all that money on 4g lte to let the consumer have it for free?? GET THE F OUT DUDE.. they would not make the phone 3g and or 4g.. yes good for us but they dont care about us that would be the dumbest buisness move EVER! take sprint fore example they charge and all there high end devices are 4g weather u have it or not if u want the best guess what u gonna pay for 4g.. have u heard of any new 3g phones for verizon coming out??? no!!! ask u self why again there a buisness not a ton of retards... you ppl need to think a little bit!! sorry to be so blunt but geeze! and yes the tb will be a awsome phone1
I know Verizon likes to make money, so do we and so does any company that wants to stay in business and make their shareholders happy.

That said, just b/c Sprint does it doesn't mean Verizon will do it. I see Verizon playing the long game with LTE. Right now its laptops, then phones, they won't make you upgrade if your phone can use LTE, but they will make promo's as your market gets it, so you can get in early. Will there be an increase or caps set, I think it will be speed based pricing with higher or lower data caps. If you are willing to get 3MB speeds you get more, if you want the full boat you get less per month and each will have a per Gigabit charge.

They need to build the full LTE network out and just covering major cities is not enough especially if you can't get it in your market. They want to sell phones/modems and get you to upgrade so they can push more feature phones and lower end smartphones onto the 3G network.
Ok let me clear some things up for all of you.
#1 the phone is coming out late Feb or early March
#2 it might not even be 4G mandatory which means you might not even have to pay for 4g if you don't want to use it
#3 should it be 4G there might be no change in data plans
#4 this will be a powerful phone, dual core or not, quadrant "scores" don't mean a single thing
#5 None of you should rely on anything the reps say because they are kept just as much in the dark as we are

Oh and just so you know none of you know anything about 4G pricing just like me so stop commenting about it as if your speculations are set in stone because some unintelligent people might mistake you for someone who knows what their talking about.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums App
ok its comments like this that get people confused first off let me say verizon is a buisness there not a bunch of dumbasses!! u really think they spent all that money on 4g lte to let the consumer have it for free?? GET THE F OUT DUDE.. they would not make the phone 3g and or 4g.. yes good for us but they dont care about us that would be the dumbest buisness move EVER! take sprint fore example they charge and all there high end devices are 4g weather u have it or not if u want the best guess what u gonna pay for 4g.. have u heard of any new 3g phones for verizon coming out??? no!!! ask u self why again there a buisness not a ton of retards... you ppl need to think a little bit!! sorry to be so blunt but geeze! and yes the tb will be a awsome phone1
In order to be and stay in business you have to make consumers happy my friend, you also shouldnt go around telling people to "GET THE F OUT.." and then saying sorry for being "blunt," in my book thats called being rude, im not going to argue with you or say your wrong since you were a jackass however id still like to point out that what he said is true, Sprint is definitely not like Verizon, in fact i have BOTH, i have an LG Lotus and D1 and i can attest that both of the businesses are not in any way shape or form the same. You think that jst because the TB will be another Evo 4g that it will cost as much to use a 4g data package, your wrong. If i may remind you, the "HTC Inspire" going to At&t is another Evo 4G but just because it is doesnt mean the companies that offer it are the same. I would also like to point out that they do "care" about us, not everyone is money hungry. I dont want to sound like jackass when i say this but please calm down cause i dont want this thread to be closed because you think im an idiot. One more thing to anyone who is reading this, when i went in to my VZW store two days ago, i saw an HTC Rep and overheard him talking with a couple reps and the manager about them getting a 1 hour training session on something or other, i believe it may be the Thunderbolt and how to advertise its best qualities.
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