I don't know how I got there. As of yesterday I wasn't even interested. But that darn clocking thing kept getting in my head. A faster Droid? Why? Wasn't I happy with my current speed?
I was. So why did I do it?
I got an im from one of my buddies on the Droid Forum News Team and he told me he rooted. And he said he did it for 5.00 and it took him a half an hour. Shoot, I'll spend 5 bucks for that!
So next thing you know there I am looking in the Droid Forum, finding out that it's as simple as going to the Market! It's in the Marke? Here's my money.
I could go into a long thread here and describe my trials and tribulations. Suffice to say it took me longer then 30 minutes and I did need help and got it from forum members. Matter of fact I was offered more help then I could use. And then I overclocked. Oh that's in the market too.
Now I'm looking at things I had no interest in before. Now I'm wondering about this bugless beast thing. I have no idea what it does but I'll probably find out and try it out. So why did I do it?
Because deep down inside it's just too much fun not to mess around with the Droid. It's just sitting there, practically begging you to mess with it. Even when I screwed up, and I did, I was still having fun.
Special thanks to Martin030908 for helping me out and to everybody else that offered.
Now I have to go back to investigating this thing...:icon_ banana: