so hoax or truth, what's the verdict?
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droid razr maxximized!!!! Prepare to be vanquished!!!
so hoax or truth, what's the verdict?
Sent from my droid razr using tapatalk 2
So is that soak test info a hoax or not? I am leaning to it being false info.
So hoax or truth, what's the verdict?
Have we surmised the truth out of this yet?
they make it sounds like its been verified with Matt that its hit some soak group or something. If this is incorrect i'm sure Matt doesn't appreciate being thrown under the bus.
I think that's already been covered several times since the link was first posted.
There hasn't been a soak test yet.
Whoever wrote the first article about it that everyone has been linking to and writing more articles about had their information mixed up and presented everything in a very misleading way (which I'd venture to say wasn't intentional). The update being discussed is in testing internally by Motorola, not in testing by soak testers. It was a misunderstanding and a poorly written article that didn't have all of the facts. And of course, as with all of the rumors about ICS on the RAZR (and all other rumors for that matter), people jumped on it as being truth.
And that Matt isn't the Motorola Matt. It's a different Matt from If you look at the linked forum post, it's clear that's just another leak and not a soak test.
Projections are NOT promises nor are they deadlines,,,, they are projections
Thanks, yeah I saw it was Matt from I already knew the difference.
I'm getting sick and tired of this whole thing. this whole thing has become more of a blunder than it has been in the past when waiting for eclair, froyo and gingerbread.
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the problem are these articles with false or unsubstantiated rumors that are being passed off as facts
dates get circulated that have absolutely no basis in fact and get picked up by other news outlets read by many people and then when the date comes and goes with nothing happening people get upset at Verizon or Motorola for missing a date that was never a realistic possibility to begin with
a perfect example of this was the recent CNET article from a "reliable Verizon source" that the ICS OTA was being released on the 12th of June was picked up and linked to by many other sites and then when the 12th came and went with no news of ICS just like clockwork on the 12th forums that deal with anything related to the razr/maxx were flooded by posts like "where is the ICS update?, damn Verizon and Motorola for missing another deadline, etc."![]()