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ICS on the MAXX

About the only thing worth having with the Razr ICS install is access to GSM networks. All the other microscopic differences in ICS are pretty meaningless in my experience. I've been running it on my Motorola Xoom for several months, and the differences are miniscule. A couple of new switches and settings here and there, but in day to day use, I see little or no difference. As far as the "freezing", its not reliable, and doesn't always work correctly.

Remember, ICS as a base build from the google android release train is one thing, but the Motorola/Verizon interpretation will likely be something completely different. They will preserve their gratuitous "value" with all the Verizon bloatware that none of us wants. All the junk that the foist on us will likely be there. The music player conflicts are particularly annoying on my Xoom (where google music player and amazon music player corrupt the file system!).

I for one won't confuse a vanilla ICS (or any android release really) with what the vendors give us, after device driver integration, cell network integration, bloatware and marketing junk.
ICS will "start" pushing update on June 12. Be patient! Is it the end of the day yet?

There was a rumor that it will start pushing on June 12, but that rumor never had any firm foundation to it from the beginning. There hasn't even been a soak test yet, nor has Verizon posted update information on their support site (both of which always happen before a general release). There will be no release today.
Well, at this juncture "assuming" end of Q2 was not a rumor and Verizon really said it.... Big Red has about 2.7 weeks left to roll out an OTA of ICS (that works) or face some pretty P.O'd customers if for no other reason than - people don't like being (or feeling) manipulated.
I, for one, like accurate information and can handle the truth even if the truth is not what I want to hear or just an old fashioned "I don't know".
What has been passing for acceptable information sharing is B.S.
Call Verizon and ask them if it is coming out today. They might not know much about phones but they would know if ics was being pushed out to there phones. As of yesterday they said that it would not be coming to the maxx today
Verizon reps don't know the difference between a sneeze and a wet fart, any information gathered from them is a guess and is to be taken with a grain of salt. It is going to be a long summer if everyone gets in an uproar when rumors turn out to be just that, rumors.

No need to get bent out of shape when it turns out not to be true, and send out the lynch mobs to Verizon HQ. ICS will come to us when it is good and ready and I don't want it a second before that. Remember, "An ICS is never late, it arrives precisely when it means to".
Well, at this juncture "assuming" end of Q2 was not a rumor and Verizon really said it.... Big Red has about 2.7 weeks left to roll out an OTA of ICS (that works) or face some pretty P.O'd customers if for no other reason than - people don't like being (or feeling) manipulated.
I, for one, like accurate information and can handle the truth even if the truth is not what I want to hear or just an old fashioned "I don't know".
What has been passing for acceptable information sharing is B.S.

Actually, Verizon never gave a release time frame. Motorola did here in their owner's forum: Motorola Android Software Upgrade News

It says "Rollout begins in Q2" for the U.S. RAZR/MAXX, but Motorola virtually never updates the chart. It was first posted back in February, and there's only been one revision (which is the chart that's currently there from May 18), so there's no telling what may have changed in the past month.

That's the only "official" information that has come out about the release ICS on the RAZR/MAXX, and even that hasn't been widely broadcast by Motorola. Most people don't frequent forums like this, so they'll have no idea when to be expecting it.
I invest my time making phone calls which entail endless " If you know the meaning of life, press #" " If you live and breath, press 1 otherwise Hold for an undertaker" "If you are so dumb that you are still on this call, Please hang up and try again later"

When I think there is a scintilla of a fraction of a percentage that I might actually be connected to a human with a functional brain that actually knows something, that I share a common language with and can maybe hold an intelligent conversation that leads somewhere productive.

Otherwise, here is fine.:icon_eek:
The problem with Verizon reps is that the only thing they know is what Verizon wants them to know. Verizon would want them to know about any of their phones getting a update to ics especially the maxx. This is the phone they want every one to buy. When I called and ordered the SGS3 they tried to sell me a maxx I told them that I have a maxx already. Verizon wants the maxx to have ics because out would take some sales away from the nexus and the SGS3
94lt1 said:
Jackie!!!! Don't be a buzz kill :p just kidding :D .... I think that ics may take some getting used to for some, for others it will be a welcomed change, for others, they'll be looking for jelly bean within a few months lol.. :rolleyes:


Dude, I AM a buzzkill! :-D
I think my dislike is simply because it is on an HTC
I have never talked to an intelligent Verizon wireless salesman. They are the last people to talk to about these phones and updates. The day I got my maxx, he tried making me go with the Samsung Galaxy Nexus stating it was the best phone. I had a lot of fun with him that day.