Damn, I feel so unloved with all this VZW salesperson hatred lol. Oh wait, I'm just a mere vendor...hate on! LOL
What do you "vend" to Verizon???
Damn, I feel so unloved with all this VZW salesperson hatred lol. Oh wait, I'm just a mere vendor...hate on! LOL
94lt1 said:Oh Jackie... we <3 you
ricks said:What do you "vend" to Verizon???
ricks said:I have never talked to an intelligent Verizon wireless salesman. They are the last people to talk to about these phones and updates. The day I got my maxx, he tried making me go with the Samsung Galaxy Nexus stating it was the best phone. I had a lot of fun with him that day.
Damn, I feel so unloved with all this VZW salesperson hatred lol. Oh wait, I'm just a mere vendor...hate on! LOL
There are not a lot of smart Verizon reps out there I will give you that but what makes the maxx a better phone than the nexus? I have both phones and the only thing the maxx beats the nexus in is battery life. My Droid charge and my Droid bionic beats the maxx in speed test. The only reason I like this phone is because of the battery life
side note - I Love my Verizon Store folks! Very nice, professional, helpful. No complaints, I've said it before and will again - Not their fault. They can't know what they aren't told and I doubt (for the most part) after working ALL day with the "Public" that they want to come home and log on here. I don't read or live my work. Do you?
People have lives, Verizon employees too.
I have done a lot of research on the Nexus. A lot of complaints about signal issues was spoken about often. Then was battery issues. The battery cover comes off easily and is very flimsy. It feels like a cheap plastic toy. I wanted it for the larger screen but I did not like the way it felt. The maxx just feels like a better built phone.
ricks said:I have done a lot of research on the Nexus. A lot of complaints about signal issues was spoken about often. Then was battery issues. The battery cover comes off easily and is very flimsy. It feels like a cheap plastic toy. I wanted it for the larger screen but I did not like the way it felt. The maxx just feels like a better built phone.
What do you "vend" to Verizon???
I <3 you too, ya big lug![]()
{} + <3 to you!! (can't let the big guy hone in on my territory!! :icon_ devil:
There are not a lot of smart Verizon reps out there I will give you that but what makes the maxx a better phone than the nexus? I have both phones and the only thing the maxx beats the nexus in is battery life. My Droid charge and my Droid bionic beats the maxx in speed test. The only reason I like this phone is because of the battery life
side note - I Love my Verizon Store folks! Very nice, professional, helpful. No complaints, I've said it before and will again - Not their fault. They can't know what they aren't told and I doubt (for the most part) after working ALL day with the "Public" that they want to come home and log on here. I don't read or live my work. Do you?
People have lives, Verizon employees too.
clintro said:Battery is VERY important to some people (like myself)....also i think once ICS does drop you should see faster times due to better use of processing power from the Maxx? I would imagine that would have an effect on performance. Side by my stock Maxx is faster than my old rooted bionic running eclipse.
They are in most cases good people, unfortunately some of the talk out their rear and have no idea what they are saying and gives a lot of them a bad name. LOL But then again most people are not as knowledgeable as 90% of the people on these forums about phones.