Research is not the same as having the phone. The battery does suck on it and I am not a big fan of the plastic. But research the maxx and you find a lot of things wrong with it as well. two reasons I buy most of the good smart phones that come out. 1 I like to have new toys. 2 I do not like to listen to people that say they researched something because they read something over the internet. If you want to read someone tell you how a maxx is better than a nexus and take their word for that's great. It does not bother me that you want to stick with a phone that has last years specs and a great battery. I would rather have my hands on all the phones that I can and see what runs the best. And although I do like the maxx when it comes down to it its nothing more than a phone mid range phone with a great battery life. Don't take my word on this since you like to do research look up other phones and compare them
What have you heard that is wrong with the maxx? I like new toys also and would never buy something that gets bad reviews from multiple sites. I put my hands on all phones that I am interested in. I research all I can on these phones. I find that the maxx is better than the Nexus.