I just received my phone today and I am trying to get it set up now. I do love the phone, it is beautiful. I will say that I am not exactly happy with my 3G signal. My wife has a TB and I was testing them side by side. I was disappointed in the results. I loaded up the app market and every time, her phone was faster, by a good margin. I even tried a few web pages & again, her's is faster. I don't live in a 4G area, so I can't test that just yet. What is a good signal number? Is higher better or lower? I know that sounds like a stupid question but want to make sure. My signal strength is -93dBm 2asu. I even changed the setting to CDMA and her phone is still faster. Now mind you, this is light years faster than my OG but like I said, I am disappointed that my wife's phone is faster.