As is Wednesday morning and I have completed my evaluation. Nothing. Nada. Zip. My battery acts exactly as it did before I deleted the batterystats.bin. Go figure. I must be one of those "this method won't help everyone"s. LOL
Here is what deleting that file did. Before deleting the file I checked the Battery Use option in Settings, About Phone. It showed several apps along with the percentage of battery use for each app. Display had the highest percentage of use. This was followed by Cell Standby and then phone idle. After that was a list of about ten apps with very small percentages.
After deleting the file I immeditaly went back into Battery Use and checked and all I had was Display with about 98% followed by cell standby. All the history for battery use was gone. Throughout the day items started to appear in the list but it was very random, useless information. After three days I now have a decent list of apps with the battery use next to them and the list looks very similar to the list before I deleted the batterystas.bin file.
So based on the later information...what can we conclude the batterystas.bin file's putpose is? Anyone?
For the OP and anyone else who thinks they got better battery performance from removing this file, please try it again but do nothing else to your phone. Just use it. Don't download any new apps, delete any old apps or update any exisiting apps or widgets. Just delete the file and use your phone as usual, charging it the same as you always do. Don't change any of your patterns other than not downloading or deleting any apps or widgets. Then report the results. Not your opine, but just data to support the results. Otherwise I say FOS! If it was that easy to increase your battery performance, why do you think Motorola has not capitalized off this simple fix? Do you think they like for customers to complain about short battery life? there a good reason to occasionally delete the batterystats.bin file? Absolutely. If you have poor performance, check the Battery Use option in Settings, About Phone. Delete any widgets or apps that are consuming a lot of power and you don't find neccesary. Then delete the file and start gathering new stats. A day or two later check the BAttery Use in Settings, About Phone and see if it shows better results than before.
I have a suspicion that whehn you reboot your phone it may automatically restes the data in the file anyhow. So maybe deleting the file is uneccesary. I would defer to some of the developers expertise on this last issue/statement cuz I really don't care to figure it out now. I've wasted enough of my time with this silly experiment.