I recently got the Incredible as a business phone so i could sync everything with google, which i use heavily. I have an iphone but found that because i don't use outlook, i was having to use up to four separate programs to do basic things like keep tracks of tasks, appointments, contacts and notes. the iphone, though, will last all day with heavy usage (talking 2+ hours, frequent texting, facebook check-ins, music, even pandora). I've had the iphone going on 2 years without any issues or reduced battery life. I just charge it before i got to bed and in the morning it's ready to go.
I had overwhelming buyer's remorse when i finally got the droid incredible. i signed up with verizon for the droid, then after i saw how the incredible more resembled the iphone, i swapped with about 3 weeks wait on back order. I charged it for 6 hours before using, and started noodling around at about 4pm-- by 9, it was dead. I figured it needed a longer charge time so charged it overnight, and the next day had high hopes. yet without a single call (no one has my new number) and only a half hour of looking at the market applications, the battery life was down to critical within five hours.
skip to reading almost everything in this thread, and making some basic changes, and now the thing is turbo charged. granted, i'm still not using it for long calls, but the phone's benefits are finally seeming worthwhile. here are the changes i made as suggested by all you folks (you rawk!!):
1) do the double charge: after a full charge, unplug, power off, re-plug with phone still off (orange light will reappear) and then keep it charging until light turns green.
2) put the "power control" widget on my home screen and use it to power off internet/wifi/bluetooth. this seems to keep the phone at a very low idle, but when i need to get information by using a program, the engine kicks in again.
3) in settings/ accounts & synch, I ditched the flickr, twitter and facebook accounts. this might be a problem for some people, but i welcome the opportunity to ditch soul suck social networks that have yet to benefit anything other than my voyeuristic and self-aggrandizing tendencies. also, i got the phone for business.
4) changed the brightness setting to dim
5) stopped using "live wallpaper"
6) got rid of the big clock/weather/cool things moving on the screen widget, and not have a small weather widget that i set to update every three hours.
7) in settings/ accounts & synch, i keep "background data" checked on, but turned of the "auto sync". not sure if this has really helped, but i believe this allows the incredible to push emails and stuff into the phone when it shows up, but isn't obsessively synching every ten seconds.
8) In location, turned off "use GPS satellites." from what i hear, that's another big draw on power if it's always looking for your position i can still use maps, so turning off satellites has not yet interfered with my needing to find my way to starbucks.
So now the question is, without all the bells and whistles (oh look! twenty of my closest acquaintances have given new random details about their lives) is the Droid Incredible worth it, and will it pull me away from the eye candy iphone. I think it will, for the following reasons:
1. i want a phone that will help me be more effective in life, not more entertained. i know that it can streamline all your social networks, etc etc, but what is even more powerful is the droid's brilliant integration with google, contacts, phone, tasks, maps and links. And accessing/ managing data is painless.
2. want to stop living my life via a small device permanently gripped in my hand (precious!!!). the droid is a machine, not a boyfriend. I started sleeping with my iphone. it was scary. the droid is a fwb, definitely. And if i want the full on love fest, i can turn on all the accounts, contact everyone i know, and start the insanity all over again.
3. it's challenging.
Next up i'm going to start using it for long phone calls, some of them will be radio interviews and i'll be able to see how well the phone holds up, the quality of the sound (will use a jawbone headset) and am also getting a card reader with a merchant account to do business transactions. If the incredible can see me through these phone calls and let me make money via credit card sales, i'm going to drop my iphone entirely. Will keep you posted.
and THANK YOU for all the posts helping me get the battery issue resolved. i'm very glad i didn't send the phone back. it does take some research, thinking and twiddling to get it into the zone you need, but worth it.