I would be curious as to how you can figure this.
Others: Fact is, I've already heard rumors of the Xoom pricing drop mid-summer or so? This was a week or so ago?
With the price breakdown being about the same for the components, do you really think that Apple may not have just undercut Motorola for the sake of improving their potential sales? And do you really expect Motorola to just sit by and let it keep happening? Give it more than 24 hours PRE-launch to pan out before declaring something dead that is by it's design, a LOT more flexible than Apple products.
I base it on history. No individual android product has ever outsold an ios product. When one does, then I'll be less inclined to make sweeping generalizations like this. The XOOM is going to be vastly outsold by the iPad2, in fact like i mentioned, the iPad2 will probably outsell several different android tablets...combined.
No one cares about flexibility, customization, rooting, overclocking etc. I dont know why people tout this as an android selling point. Android is not as successful as it is because everyone who's buying it can't wait to get home and "root and ROM this thing!!"...it's selling because it's being sold as a viable alternative to ios. When people bring it home, they realize that it
is a viable alternative and continue to buy it. Even then, you're not getting multi-millions of people rooting their android phones. The average (90%+) of android users don't even know what rooting is, let alone ROM-ing and overclocking.
Apple is the company to beat (right now) not Google. Everyone strives to be better then the iPhone, or the iPad. No one announces a new phone as the "Droid Incredible killer" or a new tablet as "The XOOM killer". 4 years after it's release, people are still comparing every smartphone that is released to the iPhone.
When history proves me wrong, that's when I'll stop. Right now, history is on my side.