What pisses me off is that even though they haven't technically delayed this phone since they never gave a release date, they're just sitting on this phone for their own greedy, money grubbing typical Verizon reasons. Samsung confirmed that they met Verizon's November 17th production deadline. What that tells me is that Verizon has had these damn things stockpiled somewhere just waiting for us since the 17th. Since they stand to potentially make more money off of the Razr and Rezound because of bloated goodies, they hold back the Nexus because they know that anything with the word Galaxy is going to obliterate the sales of their other devices. Of all Android phone families, the Galaxy line is most recognizable, even more so than the Droid line. I've talked to a lot of Verizon drones and they say the number one asked for phone is the Galaxy SII. Uhhhh....sorry we don't carry that....ouch. Next best thing, possibly better, the Galaxy Nexus >>> consumer of Droid profits.