I wouldn't blame Verizon for their business strategy. They have a good lineup of phones right now and the Nexus will put the cherry on top. They should try to sell phones before the next one comes out. I blame the hardware companies for pumping out new devices too often. Motorolla seems to be taking this to a new level. I feel like the X2 D2 D3 Bionic RAZR and D4 (soon) have been thrown in my face. It sucks for Verizon to have to keep selling devices discounted further and further because new devices keep coming out every week. That being said, give me a date and I'm happy, no matter when the date is. I do think by the end of this year Verizon will, for the first time in a while, have the best phone lineup of any carrier: RAZR, Rezound, Nexus, and Droid 4 (and probably dirt cheap Bionics, Charges, and Thunderbolts... oh my!). This doesn't even mention the non-4G lineup with the iPhone 4S, Droid 3, X2 and the free Dinc 2.