jackiescivic said:Here at Costco we were selling "32gb" Bionics...ie: 16 onboard and 16 sd card. They are now only 16, which means no more sd card included. They did the same thing with the Razr
electricman58 said:Hey! Thanks for coraborating with my memory, lol. Should I be surprised that the VZW salesperson had no clue if it used an sd card or not?
Only time I've actually gone in there with a question was when it had that issue with apps disappearing when moved to sd card.
I had just gotten it in Nov. The issue was all over the forums, and it was the first they heard of it??? I live in San Diego, not Timbuktoo? Their canned answer ( duh! Factory reset! ) Of course that didn't work _lost everything!
I think sales reps should scope the forums learning more about their products!
I have learned soooo much from you all here!!! Dx's, Razrs, Dincs, Gnexs, etc... Won't get that from a product page!
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jackiescivic said:I'm not really surprised, as corporate VZW has A LOT more phones to keep track of as opposed to third party vendors like us. Heck, my store is so slow, I have nothing better to do than learn about each of the phones lol
FoxKat said:Love it! :icon_ banana: Thanks for giving all the members who've helped you their due recognition. I second your comments. We have a fantastic group of extremely helpful and tremendously knowledgeable people here.
Lennie said:Do not get the HTC Rezound! When I first got it I was like "This thing is amazing!" then over the past few months it started acting up. Many who own the phone, including me, experience internal issues that result in boot cycling and random turning off and on. Battery is indeed absolutely horrible, and the extended battery, although it dramatically increases battery life, is enormous.
I noticed the color issues right away as well, but I'm just dealing with it because I loooooooove the battery life.
The Rezound has overheating issues to go along with the not-so-good battery life from what I have seen.
The Droid 4 has a qHD screen just like the Bionic, and you would get the QWERTY keyboard that you prefer.
Nexus only has a 5mp camera, does not have a micro sd slot and does not have a removable battery. Because it's a Samsung, you will have a great screen, but battery life isn't great, and reception is a problem from what I have heard from the people I have sold them to. The same goes with the Stratosphere. I've also heard complaints about picture messages not sending correctly on Samsung devices.
If I had to pick one from your list, it would be the Bionic. It has a good feel to it, and you can get an external battery. It's nowhere near the 'pop' of the Razr screen, but it's still decent in itself. But I am also a big Motorola lover because of the reception (plus where I work, all Motorola's come with free Motorola accessories).
electricman58 said:LOL!!! Then i'll come find you when I'm looking for my next phone! @ ;-)
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HarvesterX said:The Nexus DOES have a removable battery, and the display on the Nexus is on a different bar than these other devices except for the Rezound's screen which comes very close. Battery life is on par with other 4G phones (with similar battery sizes of course), and most (if not all) issues regarding connectivity issues have been resolved with 4.0.4 and the new radios. And I have NEVER had any problems sending MMS messages.Most if all it's a little disconcerning that you sell phones and at the same time said the Nexus does not have a removable battery...please say you meant to say the Maxx and not Nexus![]()
My apologies, I've never actually sold the Nexus myself, which would explain my error. Thank you for the correction!
Nexus only has a 5mp camera, does not have a micro sd slot and does not have a removable battery. Because it's a Samsung, you will have a great screen, but battery life isn't great, and reception is a problem from what I have heard from the people I have sold them to. The same goes with the Stratosphere. I've also heard complaints about picture messages not sending correctly on Samsung devices.
Incorrect information. The Galaxy Nexus has a traditional removeable battery.
EDIT: Oops just noticed someone had already mentioned that.