Just my two cents

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If we're gonna use the bagel analogy, then the Bionic situation would be the bagel that was promised with cinnamon and raisins, and lots of yummy cream cheese piled on it, but what you got was something that wasn't baked all the way through and has bugs in other parts. But the "nice" parts taste like the best bagel ever! You just can't enjoy the whole thing.

The Razr is getting the same hype that the Bionic got, but I have no reason to expect it will be any better than the Bionic,... it comes from the same bakery as the Bionic did.

Someone call the health inspectors!!
I think it depends on what your experience is with a device-if it appeals to you visually, does what you want when you want it to or better and the things that are buggy or broken are either not noticeable or of no concern to you/not an inconvenience to you then it wins the prize as the best device ever to you lol

However if you get the device and it has HTC sense & you are not a fan or your new droid 3 makes maniac mansion's theme music sound like it came off blue ray then you're more apt to say it's junk...also bagel with cinnamon & raisins? Eww I knew someone out there had to be buying those or the stores wouldn't make them-I'm just not sure how you are buying bagels all over the U.S. each morning & I've never seen you...

Sorry that came out pretty confusing it was supposed to be saying the analogy is useless because they release these things so quickly that everytime you buy one there's a new one a few days/weeks later which is true for all phone manufactures its just usually not on the same carrier. This time it was. Assume when I bought my thunderbolt that I yelled at HTC and said hey you released a new evo and I just bought a phone give me it. For this to make since.we have to assume the evo would work on Verizon but the point is the same does this situation aggrivate me slightly I would rather keep my bionic sounds like the real way to fix this is for Verizon to have a longer exchange period hope that makes more sense

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
I look at it this way, if you don't like your Bionic, sell it on eBay and get a new phone. Simple as that. Join that message board and stop posting nonsense on this one. The next newest and greatest thing is ALWAYS going to be right around the corner. You had better get used to that or you're going to spend the rest of your life miserable chasing technology. Good luck with your new phone.

I look at it this way, if you don't like your Bionic, sell it on eBay and get a new phone. Simple as that. Join that message board and stop posting nonsense on this one. The next newest and greatest thing is ALWAYS going to be right around the corner. You had better get used to that or you're going to spend the rest of your life miserable chasing technology. Good luck with your new phone.


I will be ditching this phone, but why do you feel the need to want me to stop talking about my Bionic's problems? Grow up! This isnt about "our team" vs. "their team". What do you care so much if I let others know about Bionic problems before they buy one? What do you care if someone buys a different phone other than the Bionic?

Its ridiculous how offended some of y'all get if anyone says they dont like this phone, even if they have very valid reasons.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Not offended at all. It's just the same old complaints and it's getting really old. DLO you can make all the comments about the Bionic you want. Please get your new phone. People like you only bring negativity here anyway. Now that's just my two cents.
Play nice ladies and gentlemen, or don't pay at all

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Not offended at all. It's just the same old complaints and it's getting really old. DLO you can make all the comments about the Bionic you want. Please get your new phone. People like you only bring negativity here anyway. Now that's just my two cents.

Negativity? What are you looking for some positive comments as therapy because you having bought a buggy phone?

You claim to be not offended but you wouldn't be complaining about me being "negative" if it didn't offend you, just admit to yourself you're one of those that gets offended if someone says something bad about the bionic.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
My Bionic's fine dude. In fact, Now with 5.7 I'm really enjoying it. I personally could care less what anyone says about it. I'm just tired of reading the same complaints that's all.
My Bionic's fine dude. In fact, Now with 5.7 I'm really enjoying it. I personally could care less what anyone says about it. I'm just tired of reading the same complaints that's all.

Maybe you shouldn't take it so personally? Just an idea.

People have the right to know what the issues with this phone are. Just because you read it a hundred times, doesn't mean someone new isn't reading it for the first time.

I'm happy your phone is working perfectly. But if it is, why are you even reading threads talking about the Bionics problems in the first place? You have no need, yours is fine.

You're a walking contradiction.
I don't read the complaints, this was titled "My two cents" could have been anything. I just find it hilarious how you HAVE to comment in every complaint thread. I love the internet, so amusing lol.
Nobody listens :serious::disappointed::sad-b:

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