Each to ones own, the cover may be flexible, but its definitely not flimsy, feels like a very high quality plastic, and very sturdy. And the kevlar on your Razr is just as flimsy if not flimsier, it just isn't removable. And it doesn;t affect me, because how often am I gonna have to do a battery pull? Oh wait, never because ICS doesn't freeze. To address the connectivity issues, I had 4 bars of 4g pretty much all day today. The only connectivity issues I've had are only because of the 4g outages which affected all 4g phones. And calling it a useless brick? Yeah that's flaming. Razr's screens have cracked too, and no matter how invincible you think your gorilla glass is, your wrong. Do some research.
Another butt hurt GNex flamer...if you read one of my posts I did drop mine 4 times and no cracks, 2 times around 4 feet. I don't believe I said gorilla glass was nuclear meltdown-proof at all, JUST DIDNT CRACK. go back and play in the kiddie pool for a while.
Sent from my Boeing approved Moto DROID Razr