Thanks for the confirmation. After pulling the battery about 6 times last night, I was able to get #20 to boot up. Problem is anytime I need to reboot it's like you said 'it's hit or miss' if you make it past the boot animation without an FC. Seems odd since the kernel runs rock solid for me if I do get booted. Thanks again.I can verify that some sort of incompatibility exists between Test 20 and Project Elite 4.2 now. Complete wipe twice, installed PE 4.2 ROM and booted, then rebooted and installed Test 20. After reboot I get the boot animation and finally an FC pops up for process system. I went back to Test 19 and running perfect! Really loving this kernel...
I wiped cache and dalvik cache, and I have Deprimed test #20 running on Project Elite 4.2 now. It seems to be hit or miss as I've gotten the system pop-up too. If you try it a few times, it will work. It did for me at least.
No problem, #19 is running fine. I thought 19 also had BFS but haven't had time to look at the changelogs yet. Great work man!