Prime or anyone else with the knowledge, I am in need of a little assistance.
And by a little I mean a lot.
I have been using link2sd for a long time and the ext partition would be mounted /dev/block/mmcblk0p2.
I use the ext4 driver like Prime had recommended.
I don't know how I messed things up, but it may have been messing around with Swapper 2 and the linux swap partition. I think what ever I did screwed up all of my mount points.
I can no longer even mount the sdext in recovery to format and if I try to restore a pre mess up backup, it isn't allowing the sdext to mount so the nandroid doesn't fully restore.
I get the following error message on recovery: can't mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 (file exists)
So restoring the ext gets skipped. I tried.flashing new ROMs to see if that would overwrite whatever was the cause, but no luck. Flashed gb and froyo ROMs but still no luck.
Also I can't seem to find out what exactly exists on mmcblk0p2 or how to move those files to the correct location.
It won't show when running bb commands cat process mounts.
Though it shows the fs mounted to obb and asec and yaffs.
Any assistance would be like manna from above.
I think there is an outside chance that java coding now resides there, but that its merely this quacks weak attempt at a cursory diagnosis.
Help me all you Obi Wan Kenobis, you're my only hope.
My OG has gone from ahhh to AAAHHH!
That's no way for an OG to live.
Thanks to any and all with ideas
There are no dumb suggestions, just dumb people.
Like dumb stupid heads who totally screw their phones mount points up due to incompetence.
Good thing I don't know anyone that would do such a moronic act. I mean that person sounds like a real fool, dumb as rocks.