I'd be interested in knowing, too, as I just rooted/cm'd/oc'd an old G1.
Except for the original battery not lasting a day the thing seems happy on CM6. It's only on wifi for now.
- onDroid
Pretty sure deprimed won't run on a G1 ;-)
I'd be interested in knowing, too, as I just rooted/cm'd/oc'd an old G1.
Except for the original battery not lasting a day the thing seems happy on CM6. It's only on wifi for now.
- onDroid
I could give that a shot tomorrow.Likely a combination of the vsels and BFS, it is more CPU intensive as it gives processes that need ticks the most attention. Could you try bumping the vsels up about 5 on each slot?
Would it be safe to try the combo?
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I did it. Working fine so far. One problem is tht CPU will not go any lower then 450?
Primed script activated
Clocked at 700
Edit#2 I'm retarded phone was plugged in forget I said anything
Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
With the latest deprimed kernel (from a couple posts back), when running RL Benchmark, it takes over 50 seconds to run the 1000inserts test, while the rest of the test runs normally. (I've ran it a couple times, each time same thing happens)
I'd like to note that my phone and all apps are running great with the latest kernel, Thanks so much for all your hardwork! Just thought this was an unusual result.
I did it. Working fine so far. One problem is tht CPU will not go any lower then 450?
Primed script activated
Clocked at 700
Edit#2 I'm retarded phone was plugged in forget I said anything
Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
Yeah the CPU speed defaults to the 3rd slot as lowest when plugged in, and I think bumblebee governor won't go slower than 3rd slot ever too (I usually don't use it but I think its based off the smartass/smartmod governor which does that too, right?)
supercharged modified liquid 3.1 w/turbocharged 3g
Pete's 5 slot lv 1.25GHz w/ kickasskernel tweaks
19.9 linpack score
1856 quadrant score
Ya, that was my feeling.I am not digging this kernel at all, the BFS update has got to go.
Ya, that was my feeling.
Definitely. You're the one with the power.Its different when I say it. :beer:
Android handles it, having an issue?
Definitely. You're the one with the power.