Thanks. I noticed I had a number of errors when I ran the "primed" script:
insmod: init_module 'overclock.ko' failed (operation not permitted)
and a number of "permission denied" errors trying to write to proc/overclock.
Any advice for getting around these?
I'm new to this kernel and have it running at 900MHz with CM7 on my Droid. Can someone tell me how to bump this up to 1000+MHz? Looks like the options top out at 900. I tried reading through all 100+ pages of this thread, but didn't make it very far.
EDIT: I used the Milestone Overclock app to bump it to 1200. Reverts back to 900 though on a reboot, even if I tell it to restore on reboot. Am I missing something?
You have to edit your 20overclock file with your verified settings and it will become available in the cyanogen settings under performance>cpu settings, you can set on boot there. Here is my file for 1000mhz. You may want to try a higher vsel value than 59, maybe try 60 or 61.
overclock - Pastebin.com
Edit: DER! use a vsel of 74 or higher for 1200mhz..
- sent via Tapatalk
you need superuser permissions
type su
then run