Last Post Wins 2024 Edition !

That's so cool, who did she play for? I got to step on the field last spring during a visit to a buddy in OKC. who knows maybe one day my granddaughter will play there.

Have a great day y'all!
University of Utah, went to the World Series in her freshman year and again in her senior year. Back then it only cost $100.00 for the whole series. Also played in the longest softball ever as catcher, was at bat 8 times.
@kmf1 I love live barn too. It's great being able to watch the hockey games that are available. Especially when one kid is playing in one place the same time that the other one has a home game. Too bad we didn't have that when my son was playing hockey all over CT and sometimes in Mass. But that was even before cell phones because he was in HS in the late 90's Sometimes I wonder if we were better off then without all the problems kids are getting into with"addiction" to their phones. The schools are barring cell phones next year in the grandkids town. Some parents are suing the town because they sometimes have to call to get picked up after school,

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