Last Post Wins.....Ver 2

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Think my notifications are working. Strange how it gives out randomly. Not sure if it's just a matter of being involved in too many active threads or what.

Also, I stopped getting notifications for other forums altogether even though they're all still turned on...
well mine are coming through for now.....lets see how long that will last...
I wonder if I should turn on Silent Mode while I'm at work. If I have time to be on the forum at all during the day, I do so on my computer, so I don't really need tapatalk to notify me. It's when I leave for lunch and when I'm home/out in the evening that I'd like it to at least let me know that I've got threads waiting.
I am on my laptop for the first time in a long is mega weird....o_Oo_O
I am currently a stay@home mommy/nanny so I am usually on my phone or tablet....My laptop was collecting dust so I figured I would fire it up this morning. Good news....I can still type approx 40 wpm ;-)
LOL....hey be nice!! it has been a year since I have been anchored to a desk! I am just guessing....brb I will test
Oh Snap I got 43 wpm!
eek...*hangs head* guess I need to work on that.....
at my best I was getting 75 wpm.....that was last job. I did insurance billing and coding so I honestly did more 10 key entry stuff.
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