Last Post Wins.....Ver 2

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Sounds like a good day to find a dark, quiet room and hide until quitting time...

It is a beautiful sunny day here as well!

sent from my sexy Note 4

There is FAR too much noise around my office this morning. Generator is being tested, so I get the hum of the diesel, there's construction going on down the hall as they renovate, loud carts going buy, the old deaf fellow that lives a few doors down from my office has the TV blaring, nursing staff conversing loudly, announcements, GAAAHH!!!

I knew I should've called in sick today...
Whining & winning are two different things! Man up Jonny! I'll take the win while you look for your man card. Bwahahaha!

S5 tap'n
Whining & winning are two different things! Man up Jonny! I'll take the win while you look for your man card. Bwahahaha!

S5 tap'n
Ouch.....go learn to be nice.....I'll hold the win for you...

sent from my sexy Note 4
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Not anymore!!!

sent from my sexy Note 4
Not so fast!

sent from my sexy Note 4
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