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Leak .242?

Weaselboy134987 said:
They recently said q3 on there site a few days ago. It takes two to three weeks for a leak to come out. Soo ya Im prettttyyy sure its going to be ota

Sent from my DROID BIONIC

It is going to be the next ota if verizon doesnt reject it again this Friday verizon will be making the final decision an if they approve it the soak test will be the following weekend
I can't find a reason to reject it. People will *ALWAYS* find issues with a build and claim "it CAN'T be the OTA because *I* have an issue" but when has ANY build ever gone out that was flawless? This build is so far and wide above the RAZR build that got pushed out there it's not even funny. Just release it already. I think we'll see a soak/ota like they did on the D4. I had predicted between the 14th and 19th for soak on the Bionic. Seems we're going to hit that target at this point.
LaurelRaven said:
They said early q3 officially three months ago. They've missed deadlines before...hell, the bionic itself released 9 months after it was officially supposed to.

Sent from my ICS Bionic

Recently!! Days ago they said q3. Not early q3 so they are trying to get it out in September

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
It is going to be the next ota if verizon doesnt reject it again this Friday verizon will be making the final decision an if they approve it the soak test will be the following weekend

By "the following weekend" do you mean this weekend, or 8 days out?
Then I shall hold off one more day and remain on .232. I was actually going to dive into .242 tonight but I shall wait for word tomorrow.

I doubt very much we're going to hear anything either way. The next thing I expect to hear is soak emails going out next week.
Oh :sad: I was hoping for some definitive info...

ROFLMAO! You REALLY think VZW is going to, what, release a huge press release "hey we signed off on an ICS build for the bionic"? That's so not how it works. We'll either see a new build showing up sometime next week or people will be getting soak test emails. That'll be your "confirmation". :)
ROFLMAO! You REALLY think VZW is going to, what, release a huge press release "hey we signed off on an ICS build for the bionic"? That's so not how it works. We'll either see a new build showing up sometime next week or people will be getting soak test emails. That'll be your "confirmation". :)

I was hoping for someone who has inside info to tip the hat... like we found out that tomorrow was decision day...
Recently!! Days ago they said q3. Not early q3 so they are trying to get it out in September

Sent from my DROID BIONIC

They said "recently" that the bionic would be released less than a month out, and it took another eight months. Same has been going on with the ICS release.

Until the word is "soak test starting now", you've got nothing. "They" can and have said everything from tomorrow til when the sun goes cool since day one. Unless something is actually happening, it is just speculation, no matter who says it at this point.

Sent from my Nexus 7
I was hoping for someone who has inside info to tip the hat... like we found out that tomorrow was decision day...

We may. We may not. I'm personally not worried about it either way. I've been running it for a week and loving it. I really just want them to push it out so we can get an FXZ.
I doubt very much we're going to hear anything either way. The next thing I expect to hear is soak emails going out next week.

You mean those threads that aren't supposed to be started....first rule about ICS SOAKCLUB..you don't talk about
I signed up a while back so we'll see if I'm lucky (or unlucky) to be a guinea pig. Hopefully .242 is the final because I am seeing awesome things posted about it!
You mean those threads that aren't supposed to be started....first rule about ICS SOAKCLUB..you don't talk about
I signed up a while back so we'll see if I'm lucky (or unlucky) to be a guinea pig. Hopefully .242 is the final because I am seeing awesome things posted about it!

I've never seen a soak test not get "leaked". And invariably someone leaks the soak build, as well. Once that happens, we compare it to the leak we already have, verify they're the same, and for me, not a damn thing changes. All I care about at this point is getting the FXZ which won't happen right away. Then the rom devs can upgrade to 242 and start working on 242 based roms. But seriously, after 8 freaking builds, one has to think we're already looking at the ota build.