This is a legendary thread in bionic history! lol, seriously SamuriHL do you have a cape in your closet? You and your buds listed in the HoB thread are super bionic hero's! I have one important question, I hastily upgraded to version 6.7.2233 /build as soon as decent build of ICS was out, I did all OTA before that. I tried doing a upgrade to 242 from the HOB but if failed. I know I missed something somewhere where I should be on a higher version? I could use the quick 411, do I need to go back to 905? I could do that, I'll also risk any wipe I need to do, I am rooted getting pretty reliable performance actually out of this build but like all out of patience bionic fiends I want 242!
I got the assert failed: File_getprop ("system/build.prop")."robuild.fingerprint")e:error in /tmp/sideload/ status 7
I can use the rerware backup for apps/data. I am trusting of your advice yet I hold the disclaimer you are not responsible for anything. I am the master of my ICS fate, lol. Thank you so much in advance!