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In version 238 I found it in the zip. 232 had bluetooth LE which is Bluetooth 4.0 but cant get any solid proof that it worked. The reason why I'm asking is I have a heart rate monitor strap that can connect to Bluetooth 4.0. I just need a freaking phone to connect it to.
Fascinating. Do you know where you found it in the zip? I don't see it anywhere but I've got the 242 zip open. Let me know where to find it and I'll check.
I'm not quite sure where I remember seeing it in the zip but I do know it was there. Maybe in the drivers. Unfortunately I hosed my computer this week flashing a bad BIOS update and are unable to check it myself.
I can't seem to find what you're looking for. I see a bluetoothd in /system/bin. There's some config files in /system/etc/bluetooth. There's a bluetooth.apk and a bluetoothmot.apk. I wish I knew where to look.
No biggie, I appreciate you looking for it. If you get a hankering to look around some and you see something that says LE attached to it, Im good to go..maybe.