rsa-2048 = 25195908475657893494027183240048398571429282126204032027777137836043662020 70759555626401852588078440691829064124951508218929855914917618450280848912 00728449926873928072877767359714183472702618963750149718246911650776133798 59095700097330459748808428401797429100642458691817195118746121515172654632 28221686998754918242243363725908514186546204357679842338718477444792073993 42365848238242811981638150106748104516603773060562016196762561338441436038 33904414952634432190114657544454178424020924616515723350778707749817125772 46796292638635637328991215483143816789988504044536402352738195137863656439 1212010397122822120720357 good luck
+1. I was a little confused what the hoopla was about koush's recovery. It means absolutely nothing as far as custom roms are concerned. The droid x "hackers" are the exact spot that milestone hackers are at. Which is not very far. The milestone has had a custom recovery for a while, but no custom roms yet. And they're not going to break it. It's great to think "android devs are awesome!!! Yahhh!!!!" but the fact of the matter is they are not going to crack an encrypted bootloader no matter how hard they try. If they can't crack the bootloader (and they can't, and won't), then they can't change the kernel. If they can't change the kernel, then no custom roms. X owners will have to wait for motorola to decide it's time to change your kernel. Koush is not going to crack a rsa2048 bit encrypted bootloader and if he does (which he won't), then we need him working for the nsa not cracking phones.
Simple as that. Koush's clockwork thing means nothing. People are going crazy over a minor news item.
someone else who thinks the way i do. Totally agree. The only way is if the keys leak. Not impossible but i would guess very improbable.
right, the keys can leak then we'd have it. But like you stated, its highly improbable. Why? Because those keys are probably only known to very few people, who undoubtedly love their job, have signed confidentiality agreements and would not risk leaking something that would almost certainly be traced back to them and get them fired and taken to court. Cracking this bootloader is a pipedream unfortunately that won't be realized.
No custom roms on the x. With koush's recovery, x owners can have heavily modified systems but without a way to change the kernel, x owners are at the mercy of motorola...for a loooong time to come.
rsa-2048 = 25195908475657893494027183240048398571429282126204032027777137836043662020 70759555626401852588078440691829064124951508218929855914917618450280848912 00728449926873928072877767359714183472702618963750149718246911650776133798 59095700097330459748808428401797429100642458691817195118746121515172654632 28221686998754918242243363725908514186546204357679842338718477444792073993 42365848238242811981638150106748104516603773060562016196762561338441436038 33904414952634432190114657544454178424020924616515723350778707749817125772 46796292638635637328991215483143816789988504044536402352738195137863656439 1212010397122822120720357 good luck