Doh forgot I cannot edit the above post here.
Sorry all but you are all missing the bigger picture here. The bootloaders from now on will be locked and they will not be broken. Devs have been trying for over a year with Milestone. Unless the key is somehow leaked which is very unlikely then Motorola now have their USA customers over a barrel as well. You cannot install leaked ROMs and you cannot install custom ROMs. welcome to our world.
+1. I was a little confused what the hoopla was about Koush's recovery. It means absolutely nothing as far as custom ROMs are concerned. The Droid X "hackers" are the exact spot that Milestone hackers are at. Which is not very far. The Milestone has had a custom recovery for a while, but no custom ROMs yet. And they're not going to break it. It's great to think "android devs are awesome!!! YAHHH!!!!" but the fact of the matter is they are not going to crack an encrypted bootloader no matter how hard they try. If they can't crack the bootloader (and they can't, and won't), then they can't change the kernel. If they can't change the kernel, then no custom ROMs. X owners will have to wait for Motorola to decide it's time to change your kernel. Koush is not going to crack a RSA2048 bit encrypted bootloader and if he does (which he won't), then we need him working for the NSA not cracking phones.
Simple as that. Koush's Clockwork thing means nothing. People are going crazy over a minor news item.