Lets Face it, Apple > Droid+Google+Verizon

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I really couldn't care less if it becomes more popular that the iPhone or if it is or isn't the "iPhone-killer". I just know it's the best phone for me.

yup, i don't care what is more popular. i just care what is the better device and i think the droid is the better device.

the iphone is simply a fad or a fashion statement and it will never be more then that. The people that buy it dont buy it because of its capabilities they buy it because its what all the cool people have. As soon as the hollywood socialites (paris hilton, nicole ritchie, ETC) start to carry something else all the followers(90% of iphone users) will also follow to that.

so true!
I guess what I was trying to say was that the Droid would never eclipse the marketing and sales success that the iphone has acheived. Maybe some other phone might in the future. Capability wise I think the iphone is beat, overall, by the Droid.
One thing's for certian and that is this: GooVerMoto dropped the ball on a game winning touchdown when they conveniently left out corporate support for MS Exchange.

It is simply unacceptable, and I'm a bit surprised they didn't fix it with the update.
You have to look beyond the Droid and look at the OS. The Apple iPhone OS is at a deadend. The Droid is already on Netbooks devices and other things. The versatility is there. It is going to take a while to capitalize on it.

The iPhone is for appliance operators. The Droid has the attention of a different market. Remember, Apple was in the lead with the Apple II and look where they ended up after 30 years of a closed platform.
The iPhone may have been the original and current top dog but that can't last forever. The droid already does more then the iphone. Does it matter that there are only 20,000 apps for the Android OS compared to about a billion for a 3rd gen phone. The open platform of the Android system will make it far superior to anything Apple can put out there and the future of mobile devices. Even if the iphone would go to VZW I wouldn't switch from my Droid. The Droid isn't perfect and neither is the iphone and with the open platform the Droids will grow. Apple will not knock out the droid and droid will not knock apple. I do have a new door stop with my old Blackberry Storm.
They are the same but different. Ill never understand the huge debate. I think people have forgot about the network both phones are on. Verizon is hands down the better network. Ive heard so many people complain about AT&T. Seems like more people would rather be on T-Mobile than AT&T, and I've had T-Mobile before and they are terrible!
Google has a lot of money and I don't think they have a long term plan to play second fiddle to Apple's iPhone.

So to say it would NEVER happen would be a mistake. Will it? Nobody knows. Maybe, maybe not.

Remember consumers are fickle and anything is possible.

The battle has just begun. So it will be interesting to see how this war plays out.
I don't think the Droid will topple the IPhone off of it's throne. Apple has a mature product, the Droid is just too young. But, several generations from now. The King Is Dead, Long Live The King! The Droid has brought over many converts from Apple, Blackberry, and others. It's great, considering it's new,and getting better. IPhone has gone about as far as it can. Same thing with the Macintosh, leading until PC'S come along with Windows running programs that were less expensive and readily available. Apple has marketing down pat, sell a idea and lifestyle.
You do also have to remember how long apple has been around. When you first think of mp3 or music player, what do you think of? Obviously an ipod. Look how many generations and models there is. Apple is known for its name and very popular because of society. I bet if there was no such thing as apple or motorola until today and they both released the iphone and the droid, the droid would be spanking the iphone. There has been over one million droids sold already and still growing:)
Plus theres a ton more Verizon customers than any other company so overtime i think the droid will catch up. You gotta remember too that the iphone has been out for alongtime. Since having my droid, my itouch seriously hasnt been touched
are you serious?

never say never. especially when it comes to technology.
What is also unacceptable is my Droid freezing and I have to pull the battery, no wonder they let us have access to the cover. I've had to remove it about 6 times now in a month and a few days. Makes me mad and to think if I was showing someone a feature and it happened during that time, they would see that it might not be the best phone out there at this time.

With all that said, I do like the capabilities of Android OS and so far am very happy with the decision to buy the Droid.
I dont know... I have to say that while Droid may never be quite as popular with the mainstream as the iphone, something very interesting is happening. The emergence of the Android OS and devices such as the Zune HD, with its HD radio and Zunepass support are forcing Apple to do something they have never had to do: rethink their strategy.

If they want to stay competitive in a market where the competition is getting closer and closer, and in some ways outperforming your prduct, you are going to have to employ some kind of paradigm shift. whether its their closed ecosystem, the way Itunes perform, the control Apple weilds over how the consumer interacts with their product, or pricing. Apple is going to have to REACT and ADJUST which something they have never really had to do in the PMP or smartphone markets. That is why the difference between core UI and OS on a first gen iphone, and a 3gs is underwhelming.
One need only look to the recent news of Apple's aquisition of Lala, and job postings to see where their head is at. Sure, that little apple decal is probably going to be the industry darling for years to come, but its now going to have to truly be made to earn top dog status. Which I think is a good thing for consumers.
Having said that, I will say I find a ridiculous number of posts throughout forums of people complaining, and bemoaning the fact that the little apple logo on the back of their devices has rubbed off, or is scuffed, or whatever. I have to say that the apple brand has become just a big a fashion accesssory as a useful device. Is that a good or bad thing? I guess it depends on who you ask...
I view this as I did the early competition in the Apple/Microsoft (Steve Jobs vs. Bill Gates) wars. Apple confined itself to its own products while Microsoft marketed to the masses of IBM clones. The IBM execs laughed at Bill Gates when he only asked that IBM use his O.S. and he would take a cut. The IBM brass thought that the money was in the hardware. I think we all know who won. While I am no fan of Microsoft, and I think they bilked the public with pricing, they overran the market.

The Droid is backed by three HUGE names. Motorola, Google and VZW. I truely hope they back the Droid for decades to come. I would love to see more compatible docks, car adapters, etc for the droid. But I am not going to get rid of mine if it doesn't happen. I do not buy Apple products for myself because while they are easy to use and have some quality stuff, I hate the fact of only buying Apple products for all my needs.

Popularity is a game. The Droid is the more practical choice. :motdroidvert::motdroidhoriz:
ive had all three iphones, they suck as actual phones, if i wanted to play games id jus buy a psp and hack it, an mp3 player is the only thing its good for, in which case i could jus buy an ipod touch (which is faster btw) and jus have a dumbass phone that makes calls and doesnt drop every 3rd call :)
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