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Well it depends the type of phone, a smartphone I wont let anyone touch it because it has so much personal data and people love to snoop. But for a quick call sure. I dial the number hand the phone over but wont let you leave my sight.
i keep a very close eye on my stuff. i let my wife use it last night to check a web site out (literally like 2 clicks for me, she takes 5 and i watched her like a hawk the entire time.
I'll let my wife use it and my daughter (14) but only while in sight. Try my best to keep it out of the hands of my ADHD 9 yr old son though. He could destroy while still IN sight. Other than that I really don't like letting ppl use it outside of an emergency.
I don't let strangers use my phone (nor has a stranger ever asked to use my phone...) but if someone I know wants to use it, I don't care. It's just a phone. I'm not too possessive about my things. Makes life much easier in the long run
The only person who's allowed that courtesy is my wife, and even then I'm reluctant - I've seen how she mistreats her BB Storm (just cracked the screen the other day). That, plus she tends to return it covered in lotion-y fingerprints and/or foundation cheekprints. I like my touchscreen spotless; her, not so much...