Maybe this update..v9 will allow us to update google voice and terminal emulator?...and after hours of downloading attempts why is the file name incomplete? (.zip)?
Maybe this update..v9 will allow us to update google voice and terminal emulator?...and after hours of downloading attempts why is the file name incomplete? (.zip)?
Are you for real, what horse did you ride in on?
Its not like we are offering v0.9 up for free to people who didn't pay. Everyone that was requesting the zip file had already paid, because they were trying to get it from the Pro toolbox. This version was all jacked up from the beginning, whether it was not correctly named (not a .zip file), or not being able to get a complete download, even on WiFi.
We are not trying to pirate anything. We all support the Liberty Team (as we have all bought the donate version).
If you feel like ranting about piracy why don't you head over to a torrent site and let them have some of your opinions. The files are probably being uploaded as we speak. Or better yet, I'm sure there is about 17 threads on this site right now discussing if tethering is ethical or morally correct. I'm sure they would love to hear your opinions.
I've seen you be very helpful before, I believe you are pointing at the wrong group of people.
Plus android is open by default, I know they "own" the ROM or whatever, but we can legally do whatever we want with the files. They develop these ROMs because they want to, not because I asked. I will always support the dev community, but you just need to chill a bit.
What is the correct file size..just making sure its not corrupt ...thanks in advance.
Actually, you can't legally do whatever you want with them. And as for the torrent sites, I don't give them my business. And this isn't about a big company trying to extort a $40/mo+ fee for something that should be included in the already-sky-high rates. You're trying to defer the argument to something that would make your point more relevant. It's not working.
It doesn't matter that this version is jacked up. The point is that its THEIR jacked up version, and they'll do with it as they please. If they want you to have it, they'll give it to you. If they want to fix it first, they'll do that. Otherwise nobody has any business distributing their work without their permission.
Furthermore, you have no idea who did and did not pay for the Pro version of the Liberty toolbox, therefore, if you are distributing the file, you don't know whether you're giving it to someone who has a legit claim to it or not. So what you need to do is stay out of it. Let the devs do their work.
What is the correct file size..just making sure its not corrupt ...thanks in advance.
Thanks guys....but I can't seem to uninstal the google voice app. It does not show uninstall .
I am using rooted .595 and I cannot get any of the LGB's to work. None of them allow me to have 3G data. I can get phone calls and texts just fine but nothing that uses data works. I have tried V.07-.09 and they all do the same thing.
What am I doing wrong? I wipe the data, cache, etc when I install it. What am I doing wrong? Why can't I have liberty AND data?!![]()