New Member
I am using rooted .595 and I cannot get any of the LGB's to work. None of them allow me to have 3G data. I can get phone calls and texts just fine but nothing that uses data works. I have tried V.07-.09 and they all do the same thing.
What am I doing wrong? I wipe the data, cache, etc when I install it. What am I doing wrong? Why can't I have liberty AND data?!![]()
Liberty GB is now based off of the .596 rooted OTA.
What does your baseband end with (.07P or .12P)? This is your radio.
This happened to me one time, a few versions ago, I just reflashed the Liberty zip and my data came back. With you saying you are on the .595, I would check the radio first, then go from there.
Would you happen to have a link to where I could download 596 rooted, so I can have the right version of GB before I throw Liberty on top of it?
Thanks for input!