And I don't know how informed you are on the specifics of the three 4G LTE phones (Revolution, Thunderbolt, Charge) but though I should let you know why I'm going with the Thunderbolt.
Most memory (32GB SD + 8GB internal = 40GB]
I think the the Revolution has more.
Not a big deal IMO esp.when you can't use it with the plug in.
I think the Revolution has a better camera even though it is 5MP vs 8. It seems to capture fainter detail better.
I think the LR skin is fine. It is kind of nice to be able to categorize apps and stuff.HTC Sense 2.0 (I think it's BA lol..especially compared to Samsung TouchWiz
and LG's Optimus)
Thunderbolt is the only of the three that has simultaneous voice + data over
3G (yes, 3G)[I actually could be wrong here, but I don't see the feature
on the other two]
Don't know about the Simultaneous Voice and Data over 3G. That is petty cool if does. I'm in a 4G area and it is not a big issue.
The LG's screen is better than the the HTC IMO.
This was taken traveling on the I-10 passing through Palm Springs traveling 90 mph and yes the wind mill was rotating. The TB takes great shots.
Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums
Here are shots taken with the Revo.


And a 100% crop from the Charge.

To my eye the Revo While a little flat color wise captures the fine detail better than the TB. The TB has a lot of Jaggies in the test and mushy details in the sweater. The Revo does not.
The Charge has the best camera of any of the three.