Update 6 is up
UPDATED July 16, 2011: - Update 6
Added Second MegaRAM device setting.
Added installation to system option - for easy use with Terminal Emulator!
Added UnSuperCharger verification
Improved status checker. It can sometimes determine if home is locked in memory! If not, it asks you if it is.
Saves SuperCharger settings! - They are displayed on the main menu if they exist.
Saves Cust-OOM settings! - Cust-OOM settings get added to the menu!
Smart Cust-OOMizer - Just try it
Improved the code some more. It's smarter than ever
Improved messages to user. Clearer instructions and errors are given!
Final attempt to get this to load on boot. Custom ROMs will now get the /data/userinit.sh and /data/99SuperCharger.sh files.
Easily cook into your rom! Just change the variable (rcpath=) on line 120 to the path of your *rc file!
1224 lines of code!