Loving your work 928!

Thank you very much for posting.
Still somewhat new to the whole theming/romming deal, and I have a few questions. I came on-board the root boat with DM, but recently got tired of it randomly slowing down and closing out of apps, namely Maps. I've since switched to the 2.1 rooted ESE81 from Pete, and I've had nothing but top notch from it. Took my first swing at understanding kernals, and tried a LV 1.0 gHz, although it was giving me a lot of unresponsiveness from apps, and just function in general. Just switched to Chevy's 7-slow MV 1.0 gHz and all seems to be going well.
Loving the theme in general, although I've had an issue that I'm unsure of whats causing it. Since switching to the 2.1 ROM and this theme, my live wallpaper (left it the Neural Network you had, really like it) will sometimes crash when Handcent pops up for a text message. When this happens, it reverts to a random image that is saved on my phone, whether it be a wallpaper, or just a random picture. Any insight?
Also, I'm curious if there's a way to manually change certain aspects of the theme ourselves. The purple on the GPS doesn't quite do it for me.
Thank you very much for your hard work, and I look forward to any progress from you.