The paid Websharing app did not work for me. Ended up corrupting my SD card and had to reformat and phone couldn't read 90% of what the app said was uploaded. Thankfully I tried it when it was 99 cents.
I'm the dev of this product.
Do you mean WebSharing corrupted your SD card?
There should be NO WAY for this to happen, we're using the standard high-level Android Java APIs to write files. If you happen to be familiar with Java, what I'm saying here is that all of our read/write/mkdir/delete operations use the object. The WebSharing product is 100% Java, there's no C code whatsoever. There's simply no way that I know of, even if one was deliberately malicous, to corrupt a filesystem structure using
Is there any chance you had the SD card mounted to a computer via USB and pulled the cable? The SD card is FAT16/32 formatted and has a significant chance of being corrupted if this happens. This is due to FAT not being a journaled filesystem. I've personally done it with FAT USB hard drives. A non-journaled file system like FAT is not structurally sound if something bad happens, e.g., a sudden disconnect during a file write operation.
Additionally we've not received any reports other than this one of corrupted files uploads. If WebSharing tried to upload data to a corrupted file system though, the files of course would likely also be corrupted.
In any case, if you don't want the product, drop me a PM with your e-mail address and I'd be happy to refund your money. Edit..sorry your name in Google checkout, I actually don't have access to your e-mail address.