Has anyone even seen a bricked phone because of EFuse? Not yet
Its original intent is to "trip fuses" when there is too much load, allowing chips to reprogram themselves to take up the slack, I.E. share the load. It works like this:
Lets say there are four "fuses" (chips)
All four are taking their fair share of the process load.
One starts to lag behind the others, or starts to take on more than it can handle.
The three functional "fuses" take the load off the fourth "faulty" fuse.
The "faulty" fuse trips, and gets reprogrammed.
Then the load is passed back out evenly.
This is the way that its originally intended to work. There is no evidence to support, other than rumors and hearsay, that this is somehow meant to cause a bricked phone if the core components are tampered with.
I've also read that people think its there to stop the thing that allows for tethering without verizon's permission. (That would be rooting a phone, of course) A means to an end, if you will. I understand that verizon wants to make $ off of you everyway that they can...they are a soulless heartless corporate entity, and would probably shoot lightening out of their handsets killing all their customers if it meant a bigger profit margin in the long run. Come on though, seriously, just to keep people from tethering? There are FAR easier ways to prevent third party tethering. 1, sniffing the network traffic; 2, monitoring network up/down bandwidth consumption; 3, installing code in the OS to detect network sharing. These are just to name a few.
I know the milestone is a touch cookie to crack, I know, I know; but that doesn't mean its impossible. It seems what people think would blow a fuse in the phone and brick it is the OS detect a third party bootloader. Emulation would solve that, in one fell swoop.
Everyone just simmer down. Its been out 1....just 1 day. There are some very smart people pouring over this thing. Give it time, and cool down.
In the mean time, if your lucky enough to have one of these things, enjoy something that is blazing fast right out of the box. No flashing required.