Motorola Droid Battery Life Poll



OK, we've had a request to do a poll to get an idea of what everyone's average battery life is with the Motorola Droid, so please participate in the poll.

Discuss in the comments after you vote if you consider yourself to be light, medium or heavy usage during your average day.

So how much time do you get out of a full charge?
On an average charge with medium to heavy usage I can usually go from wake up to bed time quite easily with still 30% battery life left. So, I would say an average of 15 hours or so.
i go from wake to bed with also about 30% so its about 18 hours
i do a good amount of surfing and a prett good amount of texting, but probably only about 15 minutes of talking. i also have my brightness down all the way. i download a fair amount of files too. i'm probably a medium user
(off topic, but why isnt the "edit" button showing up on my first post?)
I would say I am a heavy user. Listening to podcasts, surfing, fb and twitter, I can run it down in less than four hours.
I unplug at 6am. I check email a couple times at work along with fb, web surf at lunch and txt on and off all day long. By the time I get home, cook and sit down for dinner at 6pm, I have15-20% left.
I would say I get an average of 10 to 12 hours.
I unplug at 6am. I check email a couple times at work along with fb, web surf at lunch and txt on and off all day long. By the time I get home, cook and sit down for dinner at 6pm, I have15-20% left.
I would say I get an average of 10 to 12 hours.
I have to charge it up everynight. I call, text, surf, and play games that I have downloaded (some use a good bit more battery than others). I have had my droid shut itself off while searching the market place for more apps. I really want an extended battery.
Sorry, I don't see where to edit my post for this forum, I forgot to say I voted 13 to 15 hours
Below average user. I text a few and few calls. I do use the web and music a lot. I have the docking station so i plug it in every night (use it as my alarm). By the time I go to sleep, I have about 40% left.
My phone's charge generally lasts about 6 hours. This is my first smartphone and I am constantly using it for streaming music and internet browsing. On the few days I haven't used it as my pc the charge has only dropped down to 70% by the end of the day.
I charge every day. It goes to as low as 40%. Most of the time BT is off. Not a lot of web surfing, but there is emails and some games.
I'm sorry but this is a bad poll. I can go a full 10 hour day at work and still have 90% left when I get home, or if I'm home and bored I can kill the battery in 4 hours. Battery life is all dependant no how you use the phone. So a poll like this will get us nowhere.

It would make more sense to just have a poll asking if you're happy with the battery life or not.
I am a heavy user; mainly use pandora, nfl supercast,, A online radio and texting. I keep my charger on me and keep my phone plugged up while listening to the various streaming sites while at work.