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Multiple phones - Root them, unroot them

The 4 files, from the zip file should now be in the /sdcard/download folder (rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin, su, superuser.apk and busybox.
What are we going to do?
Steps 1- 5: Change to the /tmp folder on your phone, copy the file to the tmp directory, change its permissions. run it, and wait.

which file are we copying? all 4 or just 1 of them?
Type in the text in blue further down. The .zip file contains all four of those files and they need to be extracted to the SD card in that fold.

... i miss read that lol, i thought those were the directions and the stuff below was more directions lol.

so before i do this, will this work on the droid x 2.2? I read that some root methods do not like the offical 2.2 os
Type in the text in blue further down. The .zip file contains all four of those files and they need to be extracted to the SD card in that fold.

... i miss read that lol, i thought those were the directions and the stuff below was more directions lol.

so before i do this, will this work on the droid x 2.2? I read that some root methods do not like the offical 2.2 os

I answered that question right before you posted this.
Type in the text in blue further down. The .zip file contains all four of those files and they need to be extracted to the SD card in that fold.

... i miss read that lol, i thought those were the directions and the stuff below was more directions lol.

so before i do this, will this work on the droid x 2.2? I read that some root methods do not like the offical 2.2 os

I answered that question right before you posted this.

what update are you talking about?

how would i know if i recieved an update?
Were you previously rooted? If not, use z4root.

This came from my brain by way of my finger and my phone. Don't ask where any of them have been. Especially the brain.
6. Sanity check - Go into Terminal Emulator again and make sure you have a # symbol as a prompt. If so you are ready to proceed.

I tryed it the manual way, and got to step 6.

when i reopened the terminal i have a $ instead of a #. what did i do wrong?

I think im going to just try using z4root, but need to know if geting this far has made it to where i cant use that tool.

i also tryed typeing su, and it said permission denied.
When you ran the rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin file you should wait until you get a message that contains the words "'xxxx' childs" where the four x's indiccate a four digit number. It's been covered and mentioned in this thread several times. By not getting a "#" prompt and entering 'su' and getting permission denied, then you are not rooted. I think you mentioned it, but make sure you have usb debugging on.

But at the end of the day, may as well give z4root a try instead as it seems to work for alot of people as well.

good luck
When you ran the rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin file you should wait until you get a message that contains the words "'xxxx' childs" where the four x's indiccate a four digit number. It's been covered and mentioned in this thread several times. By not getting a "#" prompt and entering 'su' and getting permission denied, then you are not rooted. I think you mentioned it, but make sure you have usb debugging on.

But at the end of the day, may as well give z4root a try instead as it seems to work for alot of people as well.

good luck

Im rooting using option 1, using only the phone. Do i still need usb debuging enabled?
My second attempt at a guide...

None of this I came up with by myself. Some of it has been posted and re-posted on numerous sites on the web. I'm just going to try and put it all together so it makes some sense to those of us new to rooting as well as to those of us who have been around for a while. My other guide has numerous options for the Droid 1 to root and unroot. The intent of this one is to cover multiple phones.

I would like to thank B16, Phoxus, Birdman, TheDeathly, XDA, and rootzwiki as some of what is in this post stems from folks in those locations, in some way or another. Actually there are probably far to many to thank but if someone big was missed, let me know.

Let's start if off the same way:
I do not, nor does DroidForums.net, warrant the information contained here within this post. It is being provided as is without warranty of any kind, including without limitation any warranty of design, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and without warranty as to the performance or results you may obtain by using this information. You expressly will not hold anyone, other than yourself, responsible for any direct or indirect actions, and the results thereof, that you may take as a result of following the information contained within this post, the thread it is contained within, the forum on which it resides, and the entire internet which makes it available upon unto you, yourself, and your heirs. If you brick your phone it is your fault and yours alone. If you do manage such a feat you can rest assured that you will be honored as one of the few who managed to manipulate your beloved Droid into such an object and humankind will continue to tell the tale of your actions down throughout the ages while huddled around campfires for eons to come.

Step 1: If your phone is in this list, move to step 2. Otherwise, move along, there isn't much to see

The List
Motorola Droid 1
Motorola Droid 2
Motorola Droid X
Samsung Fascinate
Purpose of this post:
It is always a good idea to have a way back before embarking on a journey. That coupled with the same method working for multiple phones struck me as an opportunity to put this together.

Anyone wanting to hack their phones should know how to do this: From a stock phone > root it > make a back up > make changes > make another backup > screw it up > restore with back up or by going to stock > root it > restore the backup.

Step 2 option A:

Root your phone without your computer - This would be the path someone on a Mac could take or someone without access to a computer.
This works for the DX and D2 phone, won't work for the D1

Step 2 Option B
for the Samsung Fascinate

Step 2 - Option C (same tools but using with the SDK and ADB. also included is how to unroot using sbf files. A Windows computer is needed for these steps.)

The Droid.Co Downloader application is a single file that lets you grab the other files, contained within packages, needed to root your phone without RSD Lite and unroot your phone with RSD Lite. There are packages, that also contain instructions, for the Droid 1, Droid 2, and Droid X available through this tool.
  • Visit this website: RS-Files
  • Look in the rootfiles folder
  • Grab Droid.Co_Downloader.exe and put it in a location you can find later.
  • Run the program and choose your phone to download the files you will be working with.
  • There are various file compression tools out there. I use 7-zip (7-zip.org).
  • Use the 7-Zip (or your own program's) File Manager to browse to the Droid.Co_Downloader
    location and look for the droid 1.jpg, droid 2.jpg, or droid x.jpg file in the same folder and double click on it.
  • Once you've opened up this encrypted image there are sbf files to unroot and 3 files to use with the included instructions to root your phone.
  • For the D1 and D2 the password you enter is rootzwiki
  • Due to Motorola's cease and desist orders floating around the web it is Droidforums.Net's policy to not pass out the DX password, you are on your own there.
Step 2 - Option D(Suggested by Spaz33g) I need to remove root tools from my DX, D2 phone. Although it will not remove all tools that require root to run, it will get you unrooted enough to take an update and be able to root with any method after the update. The reason this has become an issue is that the recent dx update was unrooting users but leaving super user in their system/apps and caused one click methods to fail. (added: 12-21-2010)
Method to remove Superuser, su, and busybox.

  1. su
  2. mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
  3. rm /system/app/Superuser.apk
  4. rm /system/bin/su
  5. rm /system/bin/busybox
  6. mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
  7. reboot

I lost my root after upgrading OTA to 2.2.1. These instructions for step 2 option A, btw, are terrible and aren't clear in the slightest. You should try clarifying a bit, especially when you request that we go to the /tmp folder via Astro. Nothing after that makes any sense whatsoever. Specifically this part:

"Steps 1- 5: Change to the /tmp folder on your phone, copy the file to the tmp directory, change its permissions. run it, and wait."

Copy what file and how? Astro doesn't give you that option to copy any file.
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Which part of the instructions are unclear?

Edit: those aren't the instructions but rather an explanation of what you're going to be accomplishing.

tappin and a talkin
The only thing you need to worry about is typing out the blue text in terminal emulator.

tappin and a talkin