I am wondering why a can't download the three files. Do I need to sign in or something?
No, but the site doesn't like our phones. The solution is below and updated in the op, thanks for bringing it up!
Couple of items:
The FTP website where the RS files are hosted does not, at this moment, let your phone download files. grrr.
I've updated the first post. I switched the option blocks around so the root-without-a-computer comes first.
There is a direct download of a zip file now that contains all the files needed along with directions on how to make use of them,
all with just using your phone.
For Teddy:
I looked at the instructions within the droid.co exe file and they all set SU and Busybox to 4755 so I copied and pasted those instructions then modified the steps to use terminal emulator instead of needing busybox. As you noted, all credit for the rageagainstthecage exploit goes to Sebastian Krahmer at
C skills.
If he should have used different permissions I will change them here in the OP for the phone-only install, but his text files are now everywhere with the 4755 settings.
Is the Rage Against The Cage exploit what the folks at
blog.23corner.com are using within UniversalAndroot? I sort of wondered if that was the case.
And bummer if they are closing the door on this. They should let us all be and go make cooler native apps for our phones instead. They block, the community unblocks, and round and round it goes