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Multiple phones - Root them, unroot them

Anyone seen the FRG83 update for the Nexus 1? It closes the Universal AndRoot loophole. If the D1/2/X/Fascinate sees that then we're back to ADB and/or MotoCache1's method.

FYI fbm, this IS the adb method. It uses Steve Krahmer's rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin file. Congrats on your new status, btw.

Oh, was that for the Droid X and the signing keys? Yeah, that's not good news. Just goes to show, if you're going to root, root NOW! Every update may be the last rootable one! :)
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FYI fbm, this IS the adb method. It uses Steve Krahmer's rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin file. Congrats on your new status, btw.

Thanks for the 'grats! :)

So when that update rolls down it might close yet another loophole, and possibly Moto's as well if they really try to lock us down. Good to know.
I am wondering why a can't download the three files. Do I need to sign in or something?

No, but the site doesn't like our phones. The solution is below and updated in the op, thanks for bringing it up!

Couple of items:

The FTP website where the RS files are hosted does not, at this moment, let your phone download files. grrr.

I've updated the first post. I switched the option blocks around so the root-without-a-computer comes first.

There is a direct download of a zip file now that contains all the files needed along with directions on how to make use of them, all with just using your phone.

For Teddy:
I looked at the instructions within the droid.co exe file and they all set SU and Busybox to 4755 so I copied and pasted those instructions then modified the steps to use terminal emulator instead of needing busybox. As you noted, all credit for the rageagainstthecage exploit goes to Sebastian Krahmer at C skills.

If he should have used different permissions I will change them here in the OP for the phone-only install, but his text files are now everywhere with the 4755 settings.

Is the Rage Against The Cage exploit what the folks at blog.23corner.com are using within UniversalAndroot? I sort of wondered if that was the case.

And bummer if they are closing the door on this. They should let us all be and go make cooler native apps for our phones instead. They block, the community unblocks, and round and round it goes :)
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Chris, as far as I can tell, the UniversalAndroot uses the expliot (basically a rip from the first DMUpdater11, just like easyroot) via sql and not this one. The link that "log" gave in the second post of my thread asking about the permissions gives a really good in depth breakdown of the two latest non RSD lite methods.

As far as the permissions, I am still on a fence about that. I just don't see why we have run busybox as root now, when we never had to before. I just don't think I trust it, yet.
I used the step 2 option A on a Droid X running the OTA 2.2 update and it worked perfectly. Thanks!!

Thanks for the feedback, I'll update the op.

I'm wondering if there isn't a reason why we can't just run the bin file from the /sdcard/download directory. The d1 can not "cd /tmp" nor copy to tmp without su being in place and su can't be put in place unless you are rooted. Catch 22.
Chris, as I posted in another thread, the problem is that the location where we put the rage*.bin file is phone specific. The manual instructions you have posted is not for the Droid 1. For the Droid 1 (and 2):
- adb push rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin [B]/data/local/tmp[/B]/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
- adb shell
- cd [B]data/local/tmp[/B]
- chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
- ./rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
This is straight from the text file contained for the droid 1, and looks to be the same in the file for the D2 as well.
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Tell us what kind of error you're getting, where it didn't catch, or where you ran into difficulty. Simply saying "it didn't work" doesn't give us a whole lot to go on.
When i do the cp rage*.bin /tmp/ step it says rage*.bin does not exist though it shows up in astro.

EDIT: Restarted the phone after downloading the file and everything finished fine. I am now rooted.

Droid X 2.2 OTA

Thanks so much
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Getting error when trying to root my DX with OTA 2.2

get error after applying ./rage*.bin

says EASY android local root exploit
checking NPROC limit...
RLIMIT NPROC=(3815, 3815)
searching for ADB...
cannot find adb: No such file or directory

then after that goes to the $ After I exit and force stop terminal and go back in I still have the $ no #

Any help would be great
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