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Multiple phones - Root them, unroot them

ok. I am going to attempt step 2 option A, but I am going to have to assume that these instructions were written for someone that has a better understanding of these things than the average person. Me...I need a few things explained.

**Change to the /tmp folder on your phone, copy the file to the tmp directory, change its permissions. run it, and wait.**

Ok... I changed to the tmp file and opened it and it came up with an astro file. Also what file do I have to copy to the tmp directory? how do I change its permissions? How do I run it?

**make system read-writable, copy the superuser. su and busybox files to where they need to go, use chmode to change their permissions, then make the system folder read-only, and exit Terminal Emulator**

Here.... what system? Where does the files "need to go"

I just need a better understanding of this. Maybe even a youtube video....lol
Re-read the steps as you have only quoted the outline(s), i.e. it should read (bold added by me):

ok. I am going to attempt step 2 option A, but I am going to have to assume that these instructions were written for someone that has a better understanding of these things than the average person. Me...I need a few things explained.

**Steps 1-5Change to the /tmp folder on your phone, copy the file to the tmp directory, change its permissions. run it, and wait.**

And the steps are:

[*][COLOR=royalblue]cd /tmp[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=royalblue]cp /sdcard/download/rage*.bin /tmp/ [/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=royalblue]chmod 777 rage*.bin[/COLOR]
This will take some time, just wait for the $ to show up so you know it is done.
[*]Go to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Terminal Emulator > and Force Stop the application

Ok... I changed to the tmp file and opened it and it came up with an astro file. Also what file do I have to copy to the tmp directory? how do I change its permissions? How do I run it?

If you redo it with the actual steps 1-5 above, you should get a different outcome.

Step 7-14**make system read-writable, copy the superuser. su and busybox files to where they need to go, use chmode to change their permissions, then make the system folder read-only, and exit Terminal Emulator**

Again it's just an outline of the actual steps that follow.

Here.... what system? Where does the files "need to go"

Here's the actual steps:

[*][COLOR=royalblue]mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=royalblue]cp /sdcard/download/Superuser.apk /system/app/Superuser.apk [/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=royalblue]cp /sdcard/download/su /system/bin/su[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=royalblue]cp /sdcard/download/busybox /system/bin/busybox[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=royalblue]chmod 4755[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue] /system/bin/su[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=royalblue]chmod 4755[/COLOR][COLOR=royalblue] /system/bin/busybox[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=royalblue]mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system[/COLOR]

All of this hinges on you having downloaded and extracted the rageagainstthecage.zip file as detailed above where you quoted.

good luck
I got a Droid X about 3 weeks ago and have been looking for a good root solution. Stumbled on this one and tried Step 2 option A today. It worked! Took awhile to get the # prompt but finally got it after stopping and starting the terminal emulator a few times. The rest of the steps went without a hitch.

My phone seemed a bit sluggish after rooting so I powered it off and back on and it seems better now. Time to play for awhile and see what mischief I can get into now that it's rooted.


Edit: My X came with 2.1 but a short while later (<1 day) it got 2.2 OTA. Now at 2.2 rooted (I guess?). :)
ok I tried steps 1-5 and this is what I got after ./rage*.bin
[*] CVE-2010-EASY Android local root exploit (C) 2010 by 743

[*] checking NPROC limit ...
[*] RLIMIT_NPROC={3815, 3815}

[*] searching for abd ...
[-] cannot find abd: No such file or directory

Any ideas what's wrong?

I made sure I had the rage files in the download file in my sd card too
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You did do step two, right?

[*][COLOR=royalblue]cp /sdcard/download/rage*.bin /tmp/ [/COLOR]
The reason I point this step out again is that you emphasised that you had the "rage files in the download file in my sd card too". The step above should copy it to a location on your phone.

And ultimately, there's been a plethora of Droid X users post in this thread (see footer's post just above your last) that haven't had any problems, so perhaps try printing out the OP and carefully checking off the steps as you go. I know I've had to do that when hacking the Razr the first time or two.

good luck
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well... it's not in the tmp file from what I can tell... so I must be doing something wrong. as this step is written..
cp /sdcard/download/rage*.bin /tmp/
am I to understand that there is a space between the "cp" and "/" and again between "bin" and "/" ?
well... it's not in the tmp file from what I can tell... so I must be doing something wrong. as this step is written..
cp /sdcard/download/rage*.bin /tmp/
am I to understand that there is a space between the "cp" and "/" and again between "bin" and "/" ?
Input exactly as shown.
well... it's not in the tmp file from what I can tell... so I must be doing something wrong. as this step is written..
cp /sdcard/download/rage*.bin /tmp/
am I to understand that there is a space between the "cp" and "/" and again between "bin" and "/" ?

Yes, just as shown as FBM also said. And just for kicks, you do understand that you're copying it to a floder, not a file, correct? And what you should see in your /tmp folder is a file called rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin. As with the old dos commands, most command line syntax specifies the "*" as a wildcard symbol, hence it is included in these commmands for your convenience so that you don't have to type the whole filename, as in:
cp /sdcard/download/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /tmp/
But, if you really want to try it again, type this:
cp /sdcard/download/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin

good luck
I've got DX with 2.2 ota, and I'm trying step 2, option C. I get stuck on 6th bullet down. don't see the droid x.jpg file anywhere. Just the big 444 mb sbf file that the Droid Co. downloader grabbed. Any idea what I'm missing?

Suppose I should try step 2 option A instead. Seems to work for you all pretty well.

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Why are you not using step 2 option A. It works likea champ!
Step 2 obtion b is for samsungfacinatw not your droid x!

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